Welcome to our perch
Perch (noun) \ˈpərch\ a resting place or vantage point
The products and the people...
Donna and I have been friends for so many years; I can hardly remember a time that I didn't know her. There is something really special about the people in your life whose love endures the seasons of many years, and I know I would be a very different woman without her strength, inspiration and friendship.
The story of Blessed Nest began just after Donna gave birth to her first daughter. She was so determined to breastfeed, but with the combination of a very active and distracted baby, a painful cesarean incision and feeling as if her own body was working against her, she just couldn't find the physical support she needed. Stacks of pillows wouldn't stay in place, one of the popular nursing pillows on the market had to be strapped on (leaving her feeling even more awkward!), and the other one wouldn't fit around her without causing more problems than it solved. All of those pillows had in common that they made her feel uncomfortable and frustrated rather than like the confident, nurturing mom we both knew she was.
I wasn't a "nursing pillow designer", but I could hear what she needed from the perspective of a friend and a woman. I was then able to draw from my skills and experience in fashion and interior design, as a seamstress and a tenacious researcher to come up with a solution that is as beautiful as it is functional.
Donna knew from her 15+ pre-mom years in the Children's Clothing Industry how to help me share the Nesting Pillow with the world! Since then, she and some other amazing people have given me the support I've needed to build Blessed Nest into what we are today.
All Blessed Nest products are lovingly handmade in Lawrence, Kansas by our wonderful seamstresses, Laura and Rebecca. Rebecca is also the Production Manager, and Donna is our Sales Manager and the spackle that fills in all the gaps to make sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible around the nest. It's my job to do whatever else it takes to manage Blessed Nest, from crunching numbers to ordering materials to styling photoshoots. As long as you feel the love when you hold your sweet baby on your pillow, we've done our jobs (and it's worth all of the hard work!)
We are not a pillow manufacturer. We nurture moms so YOU can nurture your babies with peace of mind!
~Heather Anderson
President & Founder of Blessed Nest
Love, to the moon and back