Quinoa...where ya been all my life?!

Making dinner tonight, I realized how much I L O V E Quinoa. It's this amazing little grain, no bigger than a mustard seed that has more nutrition than your average, run of the mill (haha, sorry) grain. According to Buzzle.com, "Quiona is very good for people suffering from migraines, diabetes and atherosclerosis. Quiona is a good source of magnesium, that helps relaxing the blood vessels and preventing the constriction and dilation that is observed in migraines. It also contains riboflavin (vitamin B2) that is very important for producing energy within the cells. Vitamin B2 has been known to improve the energy metabolism within the brain and muscle cells, thus reducing the frequency of migraines." It was called "The Mother Grain" by the Incas. Since we have gone gluten free, we have found some great products out there that we never would have known about otherwise. Even now, as it boils, it lets off a sweet, almost honey-like aroma. We're having it in spaghetti form. It's so good for you, is pleasing to the pallet & best of all, the kids gobble it up! HOORAY for Quinoa!!!
It looks like Heather Flower when it's on the stock!
It looks like dinner on my plate!

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