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Tutu for you, tutu for her!

Yesterday, I read the sweetest story of love; true love really. It seems that the only heart that can compare with a parent's heart is that of an Auntie. OK, that comes at no surprise to me, seeing as one of my kids' Aunties is Heather. But unless you are a robot, this story will make you shed a tear or twenty!


Boutique owner Janay’s two young nieces were diagnosed with Leukemia as pre-schoolers.  She watched as they underwent treatment to battle the cancer.  Bald, bloated, and not feeling herself, one day one of the girls told her she did not feel pretty anymore. Janay’s heart broke.  As any Auntie would, Janay wanted to do what she could to cheer her niece, encourage her, and make her feel pretty again. She began making tutus for the girls to wear around the house and even over their hospital gowns when they were hospitalized. What a difference a little tulle can make!  The girls enjoyed dressing like princesses as they continued their fight against cancer.


Wanting to lift the spirits of other young patients undergoing treatment for an illness or injury, Janay continues to make tutus and donate them to Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital and Health Center. And right now, for every tutu purchased, another tutu will be donated to a Mary Bridge patient!


You can email her for more information at sugarskullsandcupcake@live.com, or you can befriend her on Facebook to see her tutus and place an order for each of the princesses in your life. 



What   an amazing way to give from the heart! Thank you, Janay!!!


Reader Comments (2)

Thank you so much for posting this! I really appreciate it! I am so happy to help these little angels any way I can! I could never imagine going through what they have gone through and want to make their time a little easier if that is any way possible. We have a current goal of 100 tutu's by Valentines day! Please help us reach our goal! We can ship to anywhere in the United States and accept Paypal. We are even able to send a Paypal invoice to you and you can pay it with out a Paypal account!! One tutu for $15, Two for $25, or you can just donate $5 to make a tutu straight for donation! Please contact me with any questions you may have! Thank you to all my awesome customers for making this happen!

so pretty.You are a good teacher. Lucky student! euhebn euhebn - Belstaff Jacken Outlets.

December 5, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterzdstlj zdstlj
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