Blessed Nest nurtures moms

so they can nurture their babies with peace of mind


Wordless Wednesday...Broccoli and Cheeeeeeeese

My kids love broccoli! They ask for it like most kids ask for candy. Thank you, GOD!!!



Leaving the nest...

Today, our baby boy Billy is eighteen months old. He is a whole year and a half old! It’s hard to believe. It’s hard to believe our seven-and-a-half-year-old Grace is not a baby anymore. Crazy! But Billy Boy is the man of the day.


We have co-slept with all three of our kids. It has created a bond between us and our kids in a way that otherwise, I really think would be lacking. They are all very secure and don’t have separation anxiety. Grace and I did for the majority of nine months. Joel was a little nervous as a new Dad and unfamiliar to the whole co-sleeping thing. But when Jesse came along, there was no discussing it. We knew that’s what we were going to do. Then, when Jesse was six months old, I got pregnant with Billy. So, as I grew our queen-sized bed shrank! Jesse went to the crib at about eleven months. It was hard at first but we all adjusted.


Now, Billy has turned into a Tasmanian Devil during the night. He rolls and kicks and flops and slaps. Momma is getting NO rest. Joel and I moved things around in our room in a gigantic game of Tetris to accommodate for the crib. That was a week ago. Billy slept very well last night…. next to me in our bed! I really need to work on getting him in to his crib. I know I have been torn because he is most likely our last baby. So, other than storms and bad dreams, this whole co-seeping adventure is coming to a bittersweet end. I am also still nursing his through the night. I will miss waking up to him latched on, all snuggled up to me. But in the grand scheme of things, it’s the best for all of us.




Wordless Wednesday...Happy Groundhog Day!!!


Sunday Funny....Nest Egg = Chicken Pot Pie Cozy

I love this face!!!!


Wordless Wednesday...Brotherly Love

A lovely bro-mance!

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