Blessed Nest nurtures moms

so they can nurture their babies with peace of mind


MomDay Morning January over at Eli's Lids


MOMday Morning for January is over at Eli's Lids! Enter to win

 One awesome Lid AND $75 cash!!

Last month we hosted MomDay here at the perch. With all the craziness of the season I forgot to post the winner!

Danille S won the 1st prize package ( $100.00 cash and Nesting Pillow)

Libby N won the 2nd prize package from Peek A Green!

Thank you to all who entered last month! Now run on over and meet the highlighted blogger, find out the surprise Kara-Noel has for you

( hint Eli's Lids at a fantastic price, only today!) and enter to win big!

your MomDay Morning friends


Wordless Wednesday; Bread Pudding Coma


New Year...New Goals!

This is the year I will lose all the baby weight (and more!). I will drink more water. I will eat fewer sweets. I will be a more patient mother, a more attentive wife, and a more courteous driver. These are the things that will help make the world a better place. Right? Yeah, more than you think. 

Everyone has their own vices that they hope to shed at the beginning of each year. No more smoking (it took me getting pregnant with my daughter eight years ago to let that one go). No more carbs (yeah, right!). But what do you really hope to accomplish with your New Year's resolutions? I hope that my "List of New Goals" will help open up new opportunities for me to become a better person. They will cause a ripple effect of "tsunamic proportions".

In losing weight, I will have to eat healthier than I already do. That will force me to buy more local, natural, organic foods. That will cut down on the packaging used in processed foods, therefore, less energy used to get that food to my table and less waste going into landfills. This will also teach my children that I care about sticking around for a long time. That will make them realize that they are important and show them that they are worth the work it takes to get and stay healthy.

I want to be the mother we all wish we had. I want to be the wife I know my husband deserves. I want to be the person in traffic that lets you over (it's a rare thing where I live). You just never know what kind of day someone is having. That one little gesture of kindness could make a huge difference when nothing is going right for someone. Use every opportunity given to make a small difference. You never know who is watching. Most the time, kids are the ones observing us.

Happy New Year!!!


Making The Choice to Home School

There have been so many stories in the news lately about kids being bullied at school, online, and everywhere in between. You hear about it on the evening news. You might read about it in your local paper. You might even hear it from your own child's mouth that he or she is being bullied. It is heartbreaking. Trust me, I know! Children have been allowed to bully each other since the dawn of time. For some reason, it has been accepted in society that if someone is different in any way, you let them know in whatever means you feel best.

In national news, we were introduced to Tyler Clementi, Zach Harrington, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase, Billy Lucas and Cody J. Barker. Each one of these eight boys is someone’s son, someone’s friend, someone’s true love, someone’s brother. But unfortunately, they were each someone’s target. They were bullied because of their sexual orientation. They each took their own life because they couldn’t take the abuse anymore.

In my little town, a high school student was arrested because two of his classmates reported that he had threatened to bring a gun to school. Come to find out, they had been bullying him and made it up. Their abuse was an on going problem for months. They called him horrible names because of his interracial relationship (he is white and his girlfriend is black). They brought his sexuality into question. They attacked him with their words in every way they could. When they realized that he was finally going to put an end to it and tell the school authorities, they told this horrible lie. You can read the whole story HERE.

My seven-year-old daughter has been the target of some mean kids at school. She has been teased because we do not go to church. SERIOUSLY?! Yes, seriously. It’s not that we don’t believe. We just haven’t found a church in the area we feel we can call home. But a little boy asked her what church she went to and when she said she doesn’t go to church, he announced it to the whole class! She was in tears when I picked her up that day. She has also been the target of a few “mean girls in training”. Their favorite game is “I’m not your friend today”. Little punks! My sweet girl wants nothing more than to be liked by everyone. She will do what she thinks will make them like her. This is something her Dad and I are nipping in the bud real quick! These are not the only problems we have had with kids picking on her. It started last year. Most of the time, teachers brush it under the rug. She has even been told by a teacher to “deal with it.” I wonder what would happen if she “dealt with it” like a normal child. The latest thing kids are playing is “Vampire Tag” at recess. Come on, people. Where are your elementary kids learning this stuff? We have decided that home schooling is going to be the best option for her. Not every parent has this option. We hope that you will pull from every available resource if your child is being bullied. My daughter’s principal took the approach that since there were no physical marks there was no bullying. Time to wake up. Here’s to the dawn of a new day in at east one child’s life. MINE!


Sunday Funny; Heather & Donna BFFs

This is my favorite picture of these two. H & D in a nutshell!

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