Blessed Nest nurtures moms

so they can nurture their babies with peace of mind

Entries by Heather and Donna (529)


The Nesting Pillow in Action!

click the image to see the Nesting Pillow in action

The following post was written by Code Name: Mama. Thank you ladies for sharing how much you love our Nesting Pillow!

I am in love with the Nesting Pillow from Blessed Nest. I received it in the second trimester of my pregnancy with Ailia, and it has been used nightly - and now daily - ever since. It's not only a phenomenal nursing pillow, it also provides wonderful support during pregnancy. I decided to share some of our favorite ways to use the Nesting Pillow and Nest Egg (the smaller pillow available from Blessed Nest). Be sure to visit Code Name: Mama and Natural Parent Network this Saturday, January 7 - we'll be opening up a giveaway so that you can win your own Nesting Pillow from Blessed Nest! Enjoy the pictures! And feel free to share your own favorite Nesting Pillow or Nest Egg positions in the comments.

17. Nursing Support (Cradle Hold)

Of course! Use this pillow the same way you'd use any nursing pillow, but this one is even better since you can reposition the pillow thanks to the insides full of buckwheat hulls. Read more at Blessed Nest's website.

Cradle Hold

16. Knee Relief and Back Support

Tuck the Nesting Pillow behind your back and put the Nest Egg in between your knees for support during pregnancy.

Knee support and back relief


15. Squatting Support

Practice your squats with the Nesting Pillow underneath your tush for support. Why squat? "Squatting stretches the calves of your legs so that getting into a good pushing position will be easier. . . . In contrast to lying on her back, a woman in a squatting position allows gravity to help move the baby through the birth canal." There are many more reasons to practice squatting every day - pregnant or not - read about them at Birthing Naturally, and find out how at Aligned and Well.

Squatting support

14.  Nap Time for Baby

We wedge the Nesting Pillow behind Ailia's back during her naps. Like Kieran, Ailia does not like to sleep on her back, she prefers to sleep on her side. This gives her support and lets us tilt her somewhat backwards while lying on her side.

Naptime for baby

13. Big Pillow

If you're stuck in bed with lots of pillows behind your head, use this one!

Big pillow

12. Massage Support

Prenatal massage is so relaxing, but you'll need plenty of support on either side of your growing belly. Check out Prenatal Massage Techniques for tips, and use the Nesting Pillow for support.

Massage Support

11. Knee Relief

Put the pillow squarely between your knees for back and leg relief.

knee and leg relief

10. Newborn Nursing

The Nesting Pillow is great to use with newborns, see instructions at the Blessed Nest Perch.

Newborn nursing

9. Yoga Help

There are several yoga positions you might appreciate some soft support for - this is a picture of me using the Nesting Pillow to help me in Child's Pose.

Yoga Help

8. Child Pillow- Nest Egg

The Nest Egg makes a perfect pillow for your little one!

Nest Egg Child Pillow

7. Front Support and Knee Relief

If you'd rather have support on your belly side, you can either use the Nesting Pillow between your knees and curve it up in front of your belly, or use the Nest Egg for your knees and the Nesting Pillow for your stomach.

Front Supporrt and Knee relief 

6. Naptime for Baby + Beanbag Prop

Reminder: Never leave a baby unattended with anything loose such as blankets or pillows until they are over the age of two.

When I was a baby, my mama had a frog beanbag that she would slowly set on my back in place of her hand as I drifted off to sleep. With Ailia, if we can manage to lay her on her side, we attempt to slip the Nest Egg against her belly so that she doesn't realize that we're not lying right next to her. Obviously we are careful not to put it near her face, and we're vigilant while she is sleeping that she does not pull it up.

Nap time for baby and bean bag prop

5. Hugs for a Sleeping Child

Give some back support to the big brother or sister by hugging them with the Nesting Pillow during naptime or nighttime.

Hugs for a sleeping child


4. Nursing (Football Hold)

The Nesting Pillow makes nursing in the football hold incredibly easy!

Footbal Hold

3. Arm Support for Older Sibling

Big brothers and sisters always want to hold baby, but they may need a little help. Use the Nesting Pillow as a way to prop up little arms so that baby heads are held up properly.

Arm support for older sibling

2. Co-Sleeping

Ailia, like Kieran, sleeps cuddled up on my chest. In order to keep her up there, I have to prop my arm on a pillow - the Nesting Pillow is ideal!

co-sleeping support

1. Awesome Baby Photo Prop

And my favorite way to use the Nesting Pillow? Well, it's my favorite way for posterity's sake anyway - use the pillow for super sweet baby pictures. Check out Miss Ailia when she was only a week old!How do you use your Nesting Pillow? _________________________Dionna is a lawyer turned work at home mama of her amazing son, Kieran, and a beautiful new daughter, Ailia. You can normally find Dionna over at Code Name: Mama where she shares information, resources, and her thoughts on natural parenting and life with a little one.


Inspired to Live Toxin Free – How a Company was Born 

For as long as I can remember, my parents have always gone above and beyond to make sure me and my five younger siblings grew up in a safe, family environment.  My mom had her typical antics like “don’t chew while you’re laying down,” and “don’t forget to wear your knee pads, wrist guards, fluorescent safety vest and oh, have fun bike riding!”  In addition to these parental caveats, my parent’s also tried their best to keep our fridge and pantry stocked with healthy and organic foods.   However, one thing they didn’t know about was how toxins could be affecting the health and safety of our home.  But the minute my mom’s friend informed her about BPA in water bottles, things started to look a little different at home…
  Our kitchen transformation started with getting rid of our plastic water bottles (imagine how many we went through as a family of 8!) and plastic drinking cups.  Next thing I knew, I was coming home from college to a kitchen stocked with glass and stainless steel cups, bottles, water pitchers, food storage containers, cookware, bakeware, and more!  I could go on and on about the many changes that took place in our kitchen! 
  As we continued to make more non-toxic replacements in our home, we realized it wasn’t always easy to find good information or safer products all in one place.  Knowing there must be others out there in the same situation, we decided to start our company!  In September 2011, we launched Wild Mint to give families a place to go for non-toxic items they could trust.  As a company, we have also been dedicated to educating and informing people on healthy lifestyle changes.  Our goal is to spread the conscious movemint and help others continually avoid toxins and live safer lives!
To learn more about toxic chemicals, find tips and guides on how to live a more toxin-free lifestyle, and explore healthy recipes, visit
Hannah Helsabeck is President and Co-Founder of Wild Mint, an online shop dedicated to helping families find toxin-free and eco-friendly products for healthier lifestyles. She is passionate about educating others on the benefits of healthy living and the importance of takings small steps towards eliminating exposure to toxins in people’s daily lives. She also enjoys finding new ways to be eco-conscious and is often found in the kitchen cooking up simple meals with real, whole foods. Hannah is the oldest of six kids, has amazing parents as role models in business as well as life, and currently lives in South Florida with her incredibly supportive husband.



New Blessed Nest website


Heather has been busy developing our new website! Take a look  and when you're visiting use the coupon code "nesting" for 10% off your entire order.



Made In America Challenge- Support Small Business

We are honored to be listed on the Made In America Challenge "master list". Please visit their site, today for small business Saturday and check out the amazing list of small businesses! Thank you for supporting us and our "small business friends!"

 Read more about Sarah Mazzone here, her vision is wonderful!

 Please remember friends of Blessed Nest. Our wholesale clients are amazing and carry everything you need for baby and mom. Eco- friendly, small businesses carrying Blessed Nest and more!

Shop Blessed Nest everyday for 100% organic Nesting Pillows and more!




Rebecca Rocks! 

Meet Rebecca....

She has been working as our amazing seamstress for some time but has recently agreed to become production manager here at our nest! We are truly blessed to have her working with us.

Thank you Rebecca for beliving in our vision, nurturing our customers and having the same dream that Heather and I do, which is to "Nurture moms so that they can nurture their babies with peace of mind."


We love you to the moon and back,