Blessed Nest nurtures moms

so they can nurture their babies with peace of mind

Entries in healthy living (18)


Momma U R fat...I love U

I get sweet little love notes from my daughters. Yesterday a note came across my desk. The note read, "Mom U R fat". I looked over to see a wide grin from my daughters face. She was smiling. She wasn't smiling in a "I got you" sort of a way. She was smiling in a "Mom U R fat and I love you" sort of way. Children are sweet and honest; dang them! I wasn't sad or offended by my daughters note but it did make me wonder how she came up with, " mom U R fat". I am pleasantly plump. I do brag about how I've lost 50 pounds by simply eating healthy. I do say that I want to be fit. But I never say, "I'm fat" I'm very careful with the words I use regarding weight and body image. I don't want my daughter to notice that some kids are thin while others are well..fat. Fat is a mean word. It is a lazy word. did " fat" became a part of my little girls choice of descriptive words? READERS. That's right. Kindergarten- 1st grade readers. I can't stand readers. From the day she was conceived...well kind of; we have read wonderful, descriptive literature to her. We read about an hour a day and she loves when I read her chapter books. Kindergarten is an exciting year. Our children learn that sounds become words and words become sentences and they continue their personal reading adventure. The day comes when they can pick up a book and read simple sentences. Authors have decided that since they can only read a few words, we will make empty, meaningless readers for them to well, read.

The cat sat.

The cat is fat.

The fat cat sat.

My daughter-"The fat cat sat. That's not a story. Why is this called a story?

Mom- "Well, honey you're right. Not only is it lacking creativity. It's lacking a real story. And it's telling you that something is fat...the cat is fat.

Mom-"Honey, I am so excited that you can read. I love your notes....can you pick different words next time?"

My daughter- "Mom I love U."

My daughter does not think I'm fat. She loves the way I look. I love the way I look. Do I want to loose 40 more pounds by eating healthy? YES. Am I in a hurry to loose it? NO. Will I get fit by exercising and eating whole, real food ( not processed, manufactured food?) YES....

Will my daughter be reading her READERS...NO. She loves to pick out the words she knows from her "good" books. She is actually more encouraged to sound out the more difficult sentences in her "good" books because she wants to find out more about the exciting story!

Moral of the story....Women need to have a healthy body image. Are you pleasantly plump or petite or somewhere in the middle? good literature to your children but if you do, don't expect them to like their dumb readers.....

Just know that you are beautiful!

More on body image and how our daughters are seeing themselves. The Dove Self Esteem Campaign for real Beauty

And if you are not a of our favorite women who is also one or our favorite authors and mentor to Blessed Nest writes this fun book. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Reading with Your Children (Alpha Books, 2007)—offers hands-on strategies for creating a literacy-rich home.By Helen Coronoto.

This is not a sponsored post. It was just the love note from my daughter, " Mom U R Fat" that got me thinking...about everything!LOL

Don't forget to enter our giveaway for  Baby Bootie and Blessed Nest!



 Love, to the moon and back




Aged To Perfection

 Todays post written by Dr. Joanna

We all know the importance of eating a well balanced diet with a variety of foods. But did you know that certain foods have greater health qualities at earlier or later points in their ripeness? Here are a few foods you want to include in your diet at the ideal time of ripeness!

1) Kiwi fruits or Chinese gooseberries, are full of phytonutrients , flavoniods, and carotenoids. These fruits can help protect against disease, cancer, stroke and even respiratory disorders. Two medium kiwi fruits contain about five grams of fiber and twice as much vitamin C than an orange. They are also considered the lowest sodium fruit and are extremely high in potassium. When selecting kiwi fruits, gently apply pressure; avoid fruits that are very soft, bruised or have damp spots. Kiwis are highest in antioxidants and sweetest when fully ripened almost to the point of spoilage. It is thought that antioxidant levels may actually increase in the later stages of ripeness. So be sure you don't eat them too early!

2) When buying bananas, your selection should be based on when you will be consuming them. The greener bananas will last a bit longer while the yellow and brown spotted bananas will only last a day or two. Bananas are high in potassium and fiber. They are at their freshest when they are firm and bright without dark spots. Once the banana becomes over-ripe or soft sugar content actually increases. For those who are trying to control blood sugar levels overly ripe bananas may end up causing a spike in blood sugar which can be harmful to your cells. Do not store bananas in the refrigerator as this will interrupt the ripening process.

3) Berries are typically small fruits that have a high water content which makes their cell structures easily damaged. Berries are best eaten fresh as they tend to lose their juicy and slightly firm character through the freezing and thawing process. Berries are freshest during the spring and summer months. All berries can vary in the exact amount of nutrients they contain due to how much direct sunlight they had during the ripening process. Try to consume berries within the first two weeks after being picked to ensure the highest quality of nutrients and water content. Therefore, it is best to eat berries that are grown locally as they are more likely to be more recently picked. When choosing berries, look for ones that are uniform in size, plump, and vibrant in color.

4) Green tea is on the top of the list of antioxidant-rich products. The reason why green tea's active compounds are so abundant is because green tea is not fermented, unlike oolong and black tea. Many tea drinkers do not realize that green tea should not be strongly steeped; instead it should be lightly infused. Scolding hot water can burn the tea leaves which not only decreases the level of disease fighting qualities it provides, but may create carcinogenic properties which can cause cell damage in the body. Try pouring boiling water through the tea with a tea strainer to get the most out of each cup.

5) Dark Chocolate has been noted for its health benefits due to its high content of flavonoids. The highest amounts of flavonoids are found in raw cocoa, which makes it a great treat that can reduce the damage oxygen does in the body. Try having dark chocolate as raw cocoa or raw cocoa powder for the highest levels of flavonoids.


Try eating foods that are in season and fresh. We are all influenced by climatic changes, whether it is our mood or choice of foods. During the warmer months our natural tendency is to consume lighter and fresher foods. Visit your local fresh produce market for what is in season and freshly picked. This will also allow you to choose foods that are higher in phytonutrients and flavor. Eating fresh whole foods that are closest to its natural state increases digestibility and assimilation of nutrients into the body.

As a quick reference try choosing the following foods with the appropriate season.

Spring: Focus on leafy vegetables that show off its freshness. Include Swiss chard, romaine lettuce, parsley, basil, spinach, kale, and collards.

Summer: Choose light cooling foods. Include summer squash, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, plum, apple, strawberries (or any berry), pear, and cilantro.

Fall: Start choosing warming type foods such as sweet potato (yams), carrots, onions, garlic, ginger, mustard seeds, and peppercorns.

Winter: Choose more warming foods with protein. Include root vegetables, carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, eggs, corn, nuts, chicken, fish, beef, and lamb.

Be Well,


Joanna Dolgoff, MD
Dr.Dolgoff's Weigh


~Berry Image from this wonderful sustainable artisian farm


A complaint free week?

I NEVER complain. Oh really...Last week, funny lady Sheila over at To Love Honor and Vacuum challenged her readers to have a complaint free week. I didn't join the party last week because I just came across her post BUT it's never too late to have a complaint free week. Right?!

I don't think that I am a complainer...I try to at least not shower everyone else with my pessimistic attitude. Complaints stay within; well most of the time. I tend to break up "arguments" my two girls are having with the quote, " Do everything without complaining or arguing." Easy for mom to say. Just because I don't outwardly complain as much as the next person, does that mean I don't complain? NO! I think this challenge will show me and my girls how much we really do complain without even realizing we do it. I will give you an update mid week on how complaint free I really am!


Do you want to join me in the challenge? Pop on over to Sheila's place to get some helpful hints on how not to be a complainer.

Complaint Free Week Day 2: With your daily challenge!
Complaint Free Podcast!

Don't Worry, Be Happy? audio download
Wifey Wednesday: How to Bring Up Problems in your marriage without complaining (with daily assignment!)
Watch What You Say to Your Friends (with 3rd daily challenge!)
Laugh with your Family (4th daily challenge!)


A complaint free challenge from our favorite fabric designer...Harmony Art

This is and was Harmonys challenge to everyone at the beginning of the New Year. I don't think she has a winner yet, so join in on the challenge and win. If for no other reason then to lift your spirits and be a little more complaint free!

"To ring in 2009, I thought I would offer a challenge. The first person to send me a list of 2,009 thoughtful, unique things they are thankful for will win a FULL ROLL of the limited release or clearance fabric of their choice. All you pay for is the cost of shipping! You will be amazed with what 2,009 things to be grateful for can do to your outlook. So... let the gratitude begin. Please email me your entry list. First person to complete the list and send it to me wins!"


Enjoy your complaint free week...


Love To the Moon and Back,

work at home moms

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