My favorite Christmas gift

Wow, the holiday season just flew right by! Our Blessed Nest studio was buzzing. My girls were so excited about the season. We had a simple celebration on Christmas Eve then headed off to my Mother N Laws house on Christmas morning.
The girls always make us a Christmas gift. This year my 4 year old went all out and bought me a gift. We went to the dollar store and she held my gift behind her back the whole time we were at the store. When we checked out my 6 yr old helped her pay. The only hint I got was when a sweet elderly lady said, " look how cute that little girl is holding those flowers behind her back." Sophie turned and placed her fingers to her mouth gently whispering to this sweet lady...shhhh...don't tell her.
Tabi, my 6 year old wrote me a story.
The Book of Bee's
from Tabitha to Mom
There was a girl named Tabitha.
Tabitha had a Bee.
The End.
I love this. So simple. Written totally by herself, with love.
My flowers and Bee book, the best presents a girl could get.
This Christmas was sweet and simple now back to the normal chaos.
If you are getting back into the normal routine with your children, reading is a great way to bring the evening to a close. We go up to bed at about 8:00 and read for about 40 minutes. This is a treasured time with my girls!
Are you getting your children ready to read? Are you looking for ways to encourage your child to LOVE the written word? I'm always looking for new ideas in this area!
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Love to the moon and back,
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