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Monday at the Nest~How to make an apple pie....

And see the world!


Our new favorite book is How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World! We read it everyday. It has been such a great conversation piece with the girls. In the book there is humor, geography, mapping and on and on. A little girl starts out to make an apple pie and when she needs more ingredients she visits the local store. The store is closed so she packs a suite case and is off to Italy, France, England, Sir Lanka, Jamaica and Vermont.

We mapped out her journey then talked a bit more about each country. The girls laughed out loud. We had fun trying to figure out how she would travel from Country to Country....and then back home to make her apple pie. This is a great book to read during apple picking time but I find it wonderful all year long!

There is a really simple recipe at the end of the book for apple pie making!


One of my favorite apple treats is cinnamon apples.

What is your favorite apple treat? Are you a baker or candy maker during the winter season?

My healthy cinnamon apple treats:

Core 4 large apples

mix honey and cinnamon ( makes a caramelized  mix)

add it into the middle of the apple.

Bake for 45 minutes.

The house will smell wonderful and your tummy will be happy and healthy!

Love to the Moon and back,


Enter to win a bunch of thankfulness!

Giveaway closes December 8th!



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