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Blessed Nest~ I'm in Redbook?!

I'm having so mush fun over at Twitter Moms and love the format, style and the fact that is totally easy to navigate. I love meeting other moms but if a social Network is too "busy" as in the way it looks, or it's just to hard to get where I want to go on the site; well, it doesn't keep my attention for long!

I am on FaceBook and so is BlessedNest, not really looking for my high school prom date but it has been fun keeping up with out of town friends and family and meeting up with some of you there too!

But, I have to say, Twitter is my fave! I didn't know I was "hanging" with the popular crowd..pretty cool!? Guess it's because the 40's is the new 30's...You're cool when you don't even know it...whatever. It's just fun to be there even if I'm square.


Sent over from Megan at Twitter Moms today....

"TwitterMoms: You're in Redbook! Feb 22, 2009 12:28 pm | Megan Calhoun"

Guess what, TwitterMoms: you're in the March issue of Redbook! My favorite quote..."Trolling Facebook for your old prom date is so 2008. The hot new obsession among Web-savvy moms is TwitterMoms." A huge thank you to Bridget Smith for the great interview! Everyone check out her blog Family Adventure Guidebooks!

Reader Comments (1)

I just recently joined twitter and will have to look into twitter moms. My twitter name is kiki36 and I look forward to seeing you around!

February 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSheila
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