Snack boxes~a treat for mom

I've turned into a Super Nanny fan. Well, I guess you could say that I am obsessed with the show. At first I thought I was just watching it to make myself feel better as a parent. Then I realized that we are no better then some of the parents on the show. We just have different circumstances. Maybe our lives don't look like the "crazy" families on the show but we all have seasons when our children are difficult. We try everything we have learned, read about and nothing is working. Super Nanny has been a great resource for me and many of my friends. Aunt Jo is amazing no matter how big or small your problems are at home.
I find myself relating to the parents. My kids aren't totally climbing the walls but I am open to suggestion when it comes to creative ways to teach our children. One show that caught my attention was a couple who ran a business from home. My husband and I can relate! I was curious of what organizational and time management skills Super Nanny would teach to this well meaning couple.
I loved a lot of her ideas on this show but one of her tips particularly stood out as an ah, ha moment.
Snack boxes~ The concept: have your children decorate a small box. I had my children paint theirs and add a few decorations. Then each morning they choose 3-4 healthy snacks ( that you, the parent approve) and place them in the snack box. When it is snack time, they simply go to the box and choose a item. Your kids won't have to ask you for snacks!!!
I find this helpful for when I need to be on the phone at any length of time. It seems that before we created the snack boxes, the girls would "need" a snack when I got on the phone. Doesn't that happen to you? It seems they will find any reason to interrupt. With this tool, I have taken away at least one of their excuses to interrupt my conversation.
Another wonderful tip is to place a sign on the door when I am "doing business." This allows me to have my space, time for needed business calls without them wondering where I am or what I am doing. I rarely get interruptions from my children while on the phone now, unless of course I pick up the phone during quality time with my kids. Then I deserve the chaos. MY fault for not letting the voice mail go on and allowing interruption during a quiet, quality time with my kids!
Do you watch Super Nanny? If so what is a favorite tip you have gotten from the show?
Love to the moon and back,
Reader Comments (3)
Awesome tip! I love Super Nanny's charts. I don't have time to make them but, I can print things out like a champ. My kids always need me to nag...I mean remind them of their routine in the morning (even at 7 & 9 years old!) I found these adorable Morning and After School routine cards here...
Andrea those are wonderful! They look much nicer then anything I would come up with and yes, finding great links and printing is magical! What would I do without a printer?
i really don't know how i happened about your blog. as you can see we have similar blog names. i was looking through your blog (especially the side bar) & noticed nursing or nesting pillows & breastfeeding.
i am a mom of three kids. my youngest are twins. (1 1/2 y.o.) and i am about to stop nursing them. i double nursed exclusively the first year. they never had formula or a bottle. just felt like sharing this with you. i guess to give support for your blog & to share our little story.
anyways, this has nothing to do with your post about super nanny. ;) but just wanted to say i strongly support your efforts to promote breastfeeding.
have a good day.