The first few months of twin mommy hood~tips

Todays post written by Jennifer
As this is my first post on The Perch, I thought I would start off with a little introduction. My name is Jennifer and I am the proud mama of three children under two. I have a nearly two year old and twin four month olds, all boys. My husband works full time and I stay at home with them and do my best to run things smoothly. Since our first was born, we have been making changes in our lives towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle. For example, I cloth diaper all three children. I also parent a 75 pound fur-baby, Labrador retriever. Some days he is the one that keeps me the most occupied. If you’ve ever had an adolescent lab, you know what I mean.
Let me tell you, it’s a busy life having three children under two. I feel like I’m always on the move and there is never a slow moment. I change upwards of thirty diapers a day and spend over 5 hours a day feeding the babies. While it is all rewarding, it is also absolutely exhausting. While I’ll never claim to be an expert on child rearing; I have learned some things about how to deal with the first few months of twin mommy hood.
First of all, be easy on yourself. I always want to be super mom and accomplish a million things in a day. I often need to remind myself that keeping three children fed, diapered, and happy is an accomplishment in itself. If I go more done, that’s awesome. If not, no worries.
Another thing that I find helpful is staying organized, or at least as organized as possible with small children. It is time saving and much less stressful to know where things are. Keep all the bottles in one place for example, and have some sort of routine in washing them so that you never run out. Along the same lines, keep all of your diapering items handy. I have a basket that has a few cloth diapers, covers, snapees, wipes, wipes spray, booty creams, and a receiving blanket. The blanket is for laying down to change them on. I keep most of the diapers on shelves in the nursery, but it is handy to have a little changing kit that can move wherever I want it.
Another great organization tip is to keep a running to-do list. Sometimes mine gets pretty long, but I find that if I have it written down on paper, I can stop thinking about it. As you complete list items check them off, and feel free to add to the list as needed. It may seem daunting to some to have a never ending list, but it helps me to see what needs to be done.
My last big tip for today is to find time for yourself, no matter what. It may seem selfish, but I think it is absolutely necessary for my sanity. I think a happy mommy makes for a happy family. Be flexible with this time and be willing to take just a few minutes here and there throughout the day. I’ve learned to see these little moments in a new light, and appreciate this time on a new level. For example, I never thought that a simple shower after a long day would be seen in my eyes as a luxurious spa treatment. Every day after my oldest has gone to sleep my husband snuggles the babies while I either blog or sew.
Even if I only have time to type two sentences or sew one seam, I feel like I spent time doing something fun for myself and it helps me unwind.
These tips may seem completely obvious, but sometimes I need to be reminded of them. I’m thrilled to be able to share them with you. Thanks for joining on my journey!
Jennifer is a new writer for our perch! We are thrilled to have her as a part of our team writing in the catagory of life with twins!
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"They are gorgeous! I've snuggled them on the couch multiple times. And secondly, they work marvelously!" Jeniifer mom of twins
Find Jennifer blogging at Once Upon A Baby
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