Breastfeeding and Exhaustion

Blessed Nest.comDo you find yourself extremely tired these days? If you have a baby and are breastfeeding, you don't even have to answer that question. Even though the main reason you are so tired is because you aren't sleeping, there might be something you can do to feel better during the day and help with your overall energy levels. Drink more water. It sounds simple, and even if you think you drink enough, you might be mildly dehydrated. It makes sense because breastmilk is 88% water, and if you don't drink enough plain water your body will squeeze it from every cell in your body. This leads to irritability and extreme fatigue. What can you do?
Make a habit of drinking room temperature water every time you nurse your baby.
Ask for support- talk with your husband in advance, and ask him to bring you a glass of water everytime he sees you breastfeeding- whether you ask for it or not.
Plan ahead- buy a stainless steel water bottle and fill it before you leave the house. It's easy to forget to drink water while you're out and away from your normal routine.
If you drink any caffienated or alcoholic beverages, add one glass of water (in addition to the water you are already drinking) per drink.
Eat lots of hydrating foods- Focus on fresh fruits that are in season, green vegetables and broths or water based soups. Some good choices are apples, kiwi, watermelon, grapefruit, coconut, berries, bok choy, celery, escarole, kale, spinach, cabbage, and broccoli.
Above all, don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water. Feeling thirsty is a sign of dehydration, and the thirst mechanism diminishes as we age- so you might be parched and not even know it. Prevention is best- drink a big glass of water when you wake up in the morning and then regularly throughout the day.
You'll be surprised how much better you feel!
One more thing to keep in mind: Women should not drink out of plastic bottles- the plastic leeches xenoestrogens-hormones that mimic estrogen in extremely high and dangerous levels in the body-into the water.
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