MOMday Morning

The 1st MOMday (Monday) Morning of EVERY month Blessed Nest, B.Y.O.G. & Eli's Lids will be hosting a giveaway.
Watch the video, go ahead, it's short and very sweet (& funny too).
Why did you start MOMday Morning?
Mom bloggers have done so much for our businesses so we began to brainstorm ways we could do something fun just for our invisible blogging friends! In essence, MOMday Morning was created to serve, love and nurture the Mom Blogging community that we love so much!
When is MOMday Morning?
MOMday Morning is the 1st Monday of EVERY month!
Where do I go to join in on the MOMday Morning fun?
This month~go to MOMday Morning at Eli's Lids
to join in on the giveaway fun!!!
open to all US residents
To read ALL the info about MOMday Morning...go here
Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for starting MOMday Mornings! It's nice to have a pick me up on an otherwise rough day. :)