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look what Lawrence, KS (& Heather) have in store for July! 

Have you ever wanted to meet Heather (our CEO at Blessed Nest)? She would love to invite you into her garden for an outdoor concert! If you live in the Kansas City area, or want to fly in for a weekend getaway, head on over.

Your invitation from Heather:

 I'm SO excited about what July in Lawrence has in store... great neighbors, friends, outdoor movies, lightening bugs, locally grown food, thunderstorms and MUSIC!!!
Susan Enan concert this coming Monday, July 5th in my very own garden and Rocky Votolato with Timbre on July 15 (tickets still available for both!)
This might be heaven :...)



Tickets available  for the Susan Enan Concert in Heathers garden for $12.00 click here!

 Below is a clip from Susan Enan- a  look at the vision and plan for her "Bring on the Song" house tour. More of her music here



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