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We're one Blessed Nest

Oh, my! We've had so many wonderful reviews...press with so much love wrapped around the words describing our Nesting Pillows that our hearts can hardly contain it.  The nurturing that we receive from YOU is unbelievable. Then, we get another love note in our (e) mail box. A customer, a joy giver, has blessed us once again.

Meet Beckie. She is one beautiful new momma to  sweet baby Evelyn. (love... the name. My baby Sophie's middle name is Evelyn ...sqeee)

Beckie purchased a Nesting Pillow then took the time to write a review after giving birth. All during the season of having "mommy brain" which is really no different then pregnancy brain... 

( I should know, 7 years after giving birth, I still have mommy brain!)


Becki says:

"Of all the items that we would be purchasing for Mini, the nursing pillow was one that I knew would have alot of baby time. This lead me to look into organic, health friendly options. Boppy offers an organic pillow cover. As one reviewer pointed out: the cover may be organic but the pillow is still filled with the sort of chemicals that you're most likely trying to avoid in purchasing an organic cover.

And so the search continued. I don't remember how I stumbled onto the Blessed Nest web site. It was probably the fateful result of a google search. After about 15 minutes on the site, I knew this was the pillow for me."

read complete review here.

Becki concludes:

This is the single most useful baby product we own. It has been used multiple times a day, every day, since E made her way out into the world. I can see this becoming a snuggle buddy for E when she's bigger. Love love love it.

 We love you to the moon and back Beckie! Thank you for taking the time to tell us how much you love your Nesting Pillow! 












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