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All I want for my birthday is.......


Today we are celebrating Heather's 39th birthday ( the founder and creative crafter at Blessed Nest)!

Anyone who knows Heather is aware at how selfless she is. Heather literally puts everyone before herself and her birthday is no different. All Heather wants for her birthday is water...Charity:Water.

A note from Heather on her Facebook page......

"My favorite charity is starting their "September Birthday Campaign" early this year, on MY birthday! (the founder, Scott Harrison started Charity:Water by turning his Sept. birthday into a fund raiser... great story, read it here ) When you... turn on your faucet, think about how easy it is to provide clean drinking water to those who can't.

Heather's Charity:Water page. Give water and life to someone today in celebration of someone who is a joy giver and a blessing to all of us everyday!

We love you to the moon and back,

Donna & your Blessed Nest family~



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