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World Breastfeeding Week~ The Best Breastfeeding Pillow

OK, we could have said it but we didn't. (Well at least not this time) Holly at Intergrative Mom said some amazing things about our Nesting Pillow in celebration of World Breastfeeding Week!

We love you to the moon and back Holly! Thank you for your support!

Post By Holly:

This is THE BEST nursing pillow on the market. I say this for many reasons, and here are my top 3:

  • It’s made of organic cotton, and filled with organic buckwheat. Need I say more? No, but I will: most nursing pillows are doused in flame-retardant chemicals and made with synthetic fillers and materials. Your newborn baby will be nestled up to this many times per day, with her nose mere centimeters from the toxins. Have you considered that?
  • It does not have to strap on or “clip on” to your body. Great for moms of all sizes, and those who don’t want to feel restricted while breastfeeding. This non-rigid design also means you can use it before the baby comes as a body pillow, can use it to nurse your baby long past the newborn stage, and a toddler can use it to lounge on…
  • It is great for travel! I take mine on the plane, and it serves as a great “bed” for my baby to nap on (on my lap) during the flight. Hmm, laying on a blissfully comfortable organic, eco-friendly and familiar pillow, or laying on the metal seatbelt??? What would your baby choose?

Visit Holly at

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