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My husband, Joel and I have decided that our seven-year-old daughter Grace is ready for some responsibility. We told her she could get a pet fish or turtle. She had decided she wants a turtle.


Today, on the way home from her art class, Grace and I  were talking about what she is going to get for her future turtle. In the state of Georgia, you’re not allowed to keep box turtles. So we were discussing what kind of turtles she might have to chose from. For some reason, she got it in her head that she was going to have a male and female. I told her she gets to start with ONE! So she said that she would get a boy since the girls lay the eggs. She wouldn’t want the girl to have to take care of all the baby turtles by herself. Hhhhhmmmm…. But then I told her that even if she got a girl turtle she wouldn’t lay eggs if there wasn’t a boy turtle in there with her. “WHY NOT?!”, she asked. I explained to her that in order for there to be baby turtles, there has to be a Daddy turtle and a Mommy turtle. “WHY?” she asked. I started feeling like I was being interrogated. Well, I guess I was. I told her that it’s kind of like baking a cake. You need to have all the ingredients to make a cake. The Daddy has some of the ingredients and the Mommy has the other ingredients. She pipes up, “So it’s like teamwork!” Yes, my sweet, sweet, little girl. It is exactly like teamwork!!!! Here I thought it was going to be awkward. Silly me.



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    [...] for some responsibility. We told her she could get a pet fish or turtle. She ha [...]

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