Last week our friend and sweet fan of Blessed Nest wrote a wonderful post here on our perch, Help give every baby a healthy start about her heart and mission for the March Of Dimes . We are so excited to sponsor Christal not just because she is so supportive of Blessed Nest. It's because she is one of the most amazing women we have met through this business. We are blessed to know her! She is a busy mom to three amazing kids and a wonderful supportive wife to her husband a Blackhawk pilot who is currently serving his 5th deployment, this time in Iraq.
Blessed Nest is a proud sponsor to the team "Aviation in Action" ~Christal is the team captain this year!
"The March of Dimes is such a diverse organization that it’s impossible to write everything about them. I would encourage everyone to view their mission. Suffice to say that their organization has made incredible strides in preventing prematurity, birth defects, and other threats to our babies."
What is Blessed Nest doing to sponsor the Aviation in Action MOD team?
When you donate $20 or more to The Aviation in Action team, just forward the confirmation of your pledge to and we'll send you a coupon code for $20 off any purchase at
Today's post is written by Christal who is a customer and now a wonderful friend of Blessed Nest.
photo taken by ChristalWhen my mother was born, 40-some years ago, she was incredibly premature. At only 3 pounds, 6 ½ ounces, and the height of a Barbie doll, her outlook was bleak. I am proof that she survived, but there’s no doubt that she was the exception to most preemies of the time. A few years later my Grandmother gave birth to a set of premature twins who were not so fortunate. The twins lived only a few hours. Both early deliveries were due to an undiagnosed incompetent cervix, something that in modern day would have been diagnosed after the first birth or during a routine ultrasound.
Fast-forward to the birth of my son 9 years ago, and the scene was very different. The doctors took my son via c-section at 36 weeks due to a medical condition that, at the time, they couldn’t diagnose. I remember well the first time that I set foot in the NICU. My 5 pound, 6 ounce baby boy looked like a giant compared to most of the tiny babies in their incubators. My son was only there for observation and testing…there were so many others hooked to feeding tubes, oxygen, CPAP and IV’s. It broke my heart watching the parents looking though the enclosures, longing to hold their precious bundles. Then there were the alarms that went off, the sound that tells everyone a baby is not doing well. It’s a sound that I, and the March of Dimes, hope to silence forever.
The March of Dimes is such a diverse organization that it’s impossible to write everything about them. I would encourage everyone to view their mission. Suffice to say that their organization has made incredible strides in preventing prematurity, birth defects, and other threats to our babies.
I have marched in several March of Dimes walks in the past, but this year I felt a calling to become a team captain. I am so fortunate to have friends like Heather and Donna, who offer such amazing support and friendship. When I posted my mission on Facebook, they jumped at the chance to sponsor my team. Our team is called “Aviation in Action”. I chose this name because we are made up of a group of Army spouses whose husbands are in the aviation field. My husband is a Blackhawk pilot and is currently serving his 5th deployment, this time in Iraq.
photo taken by Christal I would appreciate your support for our team, and for the March of Dimes, in continuing the quest to have healthy, full-term babies EVERY time. The smallest donation makes a difference. If there is someone you would like to dedicate your donation to, please let me know. Our members will carry a sign with the name of your loved one on it! We care about our donors, and I want to thank you in advance for your generous support. We can all make a difference if we put our minds to it.
Blessed Nest is a proud sponsor of the Aviation in Action team lead by Christal. Thank you for reading her story and passion for supporting the March Of Dimes.