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Shop Tegu ~Help change the world

Tegu, our very
favorite toy company ever (think eco-friendly Legos on a mission to
change the world)

  Shop Tegu, change the world......

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It all started with an innocent, curiosity-driven question: “What about a for-profit company based in Honduras that would create a positive social impact through its business?” Chris posed that question during a work trip to Honduras in May 2006 where he reconnected in Tegucigalpa with friends dedicated to an impactful humanitarian project; seeking an answer to the question sparked the idea that became Tegu—a creative business founded to address unemployment, under-utilized natural and human resources and the need for entrepreneurship in Honduras...

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At Tegu we believe creativity and imagination are a child’s best friend; when combined, they yield remarkable results. After all, who hasn’t felt the joy of fighting the imaginary dragon with that mighty sword forged from an old paper towel tube? Who’s never leapt from couch to couch to avoid the burning hot lava bubbling from the floor? Who’s never turned a box into an elaborate dollhouse? It’s this creativity and imagination…


~We have amazing giveaways through December 8th. Enter to win gifts for friends, your favorite Mom or yourself!

 Enter our Thankful giveaways and interviews:


Win a Eli's Lids (cute kid hat) ENDS 12/5/09

Sterling Pear Holiday Starter Set ENDS 12/5/09


Love to the moon and back,




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