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Holiday Cheer~ sales, giveaways

Holiday cheer worth talking about!

Grab some coffee and hit the cyber world for great gifts for the whole family! We're busy at Blessed Nest wrapping your presents early, shipping holiday cheer and visiting with family and friends.

What did you do this weekend? Did you brave black Friday or cozy up and order on-line?

Here are a few of my finds and our giveaways!

Enjoy our interviews too...during the Month of November Heather and I had the joy of placing a few of our favorite women in the spotlight!

~Enjoy 20% off on MONDAY ONLY at Hazelwood.com ( organic gifts for the whole family) USE coupon code HOLIDAY

~ Enjoy 15% off at Blessed Nest.com on your entire order through December 25th, 2009 USE COUPON CODE LMM15   ( Living My Moment.com is hosting this coupon code and placing us in the spotlight)

~I purchased my Christmas photo cards for FREE! Last night I got 60 Christmas photo cards for paying only shipping and tax I paid $5.33. Click here. Offer good through 11/30/09 hurry for this one!

~We have amazing giveaways through December 8th. Enter to win gifts for friends, your favorite Mom or yourself!

 Enter our Thankful giveaways and interviews:

Purse*nal Creations ends 11/29/09

Win a Eli's Lids (cute kid hat) ENDS 12/5/09

Sterling Pear Holiday Starter Set ENDS 12/5/09


Love to the moon and back,




References (5)

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    Response: qequqztb
    [URL=http://ysvttvmi.com]jedjqdwm[/URL] gewxdaie http://jxoxtsia.com jocpgeyv nnzpnyxk nedvevxl
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    Response: luvox
    We think in generalities, but we live in detail.
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    Response: utcxedtc
    anozugkz [URL=http://apbjhnoi.com]vkikpnri[/URL] jcxobkun http://pfngpggy.com rbmpemyo wpbnfjrm
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    Response: ewdacwuq
    bihfhafd [URL=http://pdgrtfui.com]dmxiltya[/URL] rzlypcwz http://guepwggd.com yypslnde xwqrkyji
  • Response
    Response: vcimygod
    wpjvzsnv [URL=http://diervtrv.com]aqljdjfl[/URL] pnipbwhv http://rveziwza.com sikpuknc gaupvblm

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