MOMday Morning Giveaway September

Giveaway closed! Thank you to all who entered. We will post the winner by Wednesday 9/15/10
The 1st Monday of every month Blessed Nest, B.Y.O.G. and Eli's Lids will be hosting a giveaway. Last month our friends at B.Y.O.G were hosting and giving away one of their beautiful Maternity gowns!
If you missed it don't worry, we're at it again!
The prize this month is a Nesting Pillow by Blessed Nest &
$75.00 cash
We created MoMday Morning to serve, love & nurture mom bloggers, the women/men who support them, & their readers. Why not have something to look forward to on Monday morning? You don't have to be a Mom or write a blog to enter.
Grab your coffee, sit back and watch the video with all the scoop here
It's labor day! Why does that make me think of labor pain? Maybe because the joyous experience of giving birth is work or maybe it's because we all make baby products everyday! B.Y.O.G is known for their amazing labor and delivery gowns. Eli's Lids have creative Lids for baby on up and you know us at Blessed Nest for our Nesting Pillow great for breastfeeding, resting your head or your lap top. We work hard every day to give you the best of us and the best of the world around YOU!
MOMday is our way of giving back to you, the blog community! Thank you for giving us your best everyday.
How to enter...
open to USA residents only
1. 1 entry (required) VISIT & tell us what your favorite print is for the Nesting Pillow OR Tell us a back to school tip for making the transition from summer to school fun & exciting.
*Your tip will be tweeted so leave your Twitter @name in the comment area along with your tip if you want it tweeted.
leave a separate comment for each follow, like, etc on FB and Twitter!
2. Follow us on Twitter. Leave a comment here telling us you did so.
For 1 extra entry follow:
Blessed Nest on Twitter
BYOG on Twitter
Eli's Lids on Twitter
3. 1 extra entryTweet about MoMday Morningusing the hashtag #MOMdayMorning @blessednest @B.Y.O.G. @ElisLids in the tweet (One entry every day!) So Tweet and Re-Tweet! (tell us in the comments that you did so!) example:win a Nesting Pillow & $75.00 cash sponsored by @blessednest @B.Y.O.G. @ElisLids #MOMdayMorning.
( get creative with your own tweet too so we don't seem too spammy. Ya know what I mean?! but either way is fine with us..really.)
4. 1 extra entry per "like" Tell us you like us on Facebook. It makes us feel important and it gives you ANOTHER entry in the giveaway!
Blessed Nest
Eli's Lids
5. 10 extra entries: We know you really want to win & you're generous too! September is birthday month for our favorite CEO (Heather at Blessed Nest) & our favorite charity (Charity:Water). Heather gave up birthday presents and asked for clean drinking water instead. For 10 extra entries, donate $39.00 to Heather's Charity:Water page and tell us you did so here in the comments. (Tell us the name you donated under).
Mom bloggers in the spotlight this story
I asked on Twitter if there where any mom bloggers with birthdays in September. I received two tweets. I've decided to highlight both bloggers. Here's why. One blogger is from OC, CA where Donna spends her time in the sales studio and the other blogger is from Lawrence, KS where Heather creates our Nesting Pillows in our main Nest at Blessed Nest!
Meet these amazing bloggers, Happy Birthday Erin and Megan
Erin blogging from Lawrence, KS (home of Blessed Nest)
“reformed fat girl. still eats bacon. downright enjoyable. personal training. distance training. nutrition education. wellness programing. life coaching.”
*read more about Erin at Fit Mama Training here
Megan blogging from OC, CA (home of the sales studio at Blessed Nest)
@mamabub her bio reads
“Wife. Mom to Bub and Bubette. Cupcake connoisseur. Living in domestic bliss in Orange County.”
*read more about Megan at Mama Bub
Thank you for joining us this MOMday Morning! winner (U.S. residents only) will receive a Nesting Pillow (of your choice) and $75.00 cash to be paid via PayPal transfer only.
Contest closes Monday September 13th 9:00pm PST
Happy MOMday Morning!
MOMday Morning guidelines available for your reading pleasure here