Blessed Nest nurtures moms

so they can nurture their babies with peace of mind

Entries in Blessed Nest (39)


MOMday Morning December

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you to all who entered! We will post a winner  soon! Have a wonderful Christmas! xo The ladies at MOMday Morning~

 Happy MOMday Morning!

Due to tech difficulties....we are extending this giveaway until this Friday December 17th at 12:00pm PST. For those who entered already, you will automatically receive 2 extra entries.

                Did you hear the good news last month over at Eli's Lids? MOMday is growing and we've added a new friend to our team; Soni from Stringbean Co. So glad to have you Soni....

MOMday Morning was developed to nurture you and give back to the MOM blog community who has loved and nurtured our companies throughout the years.

Meet the ladies behind MOMday Morning.  Andrea from B.Y.O.G, Heather and Donna from Blessed Nest, Kara Noel fom Elis' Lids, & Soni from Stiring Bean co.

We made it simple this month because we know you already have a big to do list and after all our goal is to nurture you during this holiday season....

                              The Giveaway

So, are you wondering what we are giving away this December?

 $100.00 cash........






A Blessed Nest Nesting Pillow......

AND goodies from our friend in business

Peek a Green

 Alex has donated amazing products for MOMday but first let me tell you about her company!   

Peek a green has handpicked the most baby-friendly and eco-friendly products and created unique gift sets for all occasions: baby showers, birthdays, holidays and every day gifts for babies and their older brothers & sisters. Peek a green is a wonderful place to do your holiday shopping; for each item you purchase, they will have a tree planted, thanks to their partnership with Trees for the Future.

From Peek a Green one winner will have a chance to win......


 Enter to win:

1) Visit Peek a Green and tell us in the comments what your favorite product is other then the giveaway items (mandatory to qualify for a win)

2) FOR EXTRA ENTRIES: because we know you really want to win!

Tweet this: and tell us in the comment you did so... you can do this daily!

"Win $100 & organic baby products #MOMdayMorning  @BlessedNest @BYOG & @ElisLids @StringbeanCo"

Face book this post  ( up to 1 per day)
blog about this post ( up to 1 per day)
So...1 of you will win a Blessed Nest Nesting Pillow + the $100.00 cash
and...1 of you will win the goodies from Peek a Green. Organic Nursing Pads + Bamboo Bag
Giveaway closes Monday December 13th 12:00pm PST
Have fun!
The girls from MOMday Morning
Heather, Donna, Andrea, Kara-Noel & Soni








MOMday Morning Giveaway September

 Giveaway closed! Thank you to all who entered. We will post the winner by Wednesday 9/15/10

The 1st Monday of every month Blessed Nest, B.Y.O.G. and Eli's Lids will be hosting a giveaway. Last month our friends at B.Y.O.G were hosting and giving away one of their beautiful Maternity gowns!

If you missed it don't worry, we're at it again!

The prize this month is a Nesting Pillow by Blessed Nest &

                 $75.00 cash

We created MoMday Morning to serve, love & nurture mom bloggers, the women/men who support them, & their readers. Why not have something to look forward to on Monday morning? You don't have to be a Mom or write a blog to enter.
   Grab your coffee, sit back and watch the video with all the scoop here



It's labor day! Why does that make me think of labor pain? Maybe because the joyous experience of giving birth is work or maybe it's because we all make baby products everyday!  B.Y.O.G is known for their amazing labor and delivery gowns. Eli's Lids have creative Lids for baby on up and you know us at Blessed Nest for our Nesting Pillow great for breastfeeding, resting your head or your lap top. We work hard every day to give you the best of us and the best of the world around YOU!

MOMday is our way of giving back to you, the blog community! Thank you for giving us your best everyday.



How to enter... 

open to USA residents only

1. 1 entry (required) VISIT & tell us what your favorite print is for the Nesting Pillow OR Tell us a back to school tip for making the transition from summer to school fun & exciting.

*Your tip will be tweeted so leave your Twitter @name in the comment area along with your tip if you want it tweeted.

leave a separate comment for each follow, like, etc on FB and Twitter!

2. Follow us on Twitter. Leave a comment here telling us you did so.

For 1 extra entry follow:

Blessed Nest on


Eli's Lids on

3. 1 extra entryTweet about MoMday Morningusing the hashtag #MOMdayMorning @blessednest @B.Y.O.G. @ElisLids in the tweet (One entry every day!) So Tweet and Re-Tweet! (tell us in the comments that you did so!) example:win a Nesting Pillow & $75.00 cash sponsored by @blessednest @B.Y.O.G. @ElisLids #MOMdayMorning.

( get creative with your own tweet too so we don't seem too spammy. Ya know what I mean?! but either way is fine with us..really.)

4.  1 extra entry per "like" Tell us you like us on Facebook. It makes us feel important and it gives you ANOTHER entry in the giveaway!

Blessed Nest


Eli's Lids


5. 10 extra entries: We know you really want to win & you're generous too! September is birthday month for our favorite CEO (Heather at Blessed Nest) & our favorite charity (Charity:Water). Heather gave up birthday presents and asked for clean drinking water instead. For 10 extra entries, donate $39.00 to Heather's Charity:Water page and tell us you did so here in the comments. (Tell us the name you donated under).


 Mom bloggers in the spotlight this story

I asked on Twitter if there where any mom bloggers with birthdays in September. I received two tweets. I've decided to highlight both bloggers. Here's why. One blogger is from OC, CA where Donna spends her time in the sales studio and the other blogger is from Lawrence, KS where Heather creates our Nesting Pillows in our main Nest at Blessed Nest!

 Meet these amazing bloggers, Happy Birthday Erin and Megan



Erin blogging from Lawrence, KS (home of Blessed Nest)


@FitMamaTraining her Twitter bio reads:

“reformed fat girl. still eats bacon. downright enjoyable. personal training. distance training. nutrition education. wellness programing. life coaching.”

  *read more about Erin at Fit Mama Training here



Megan blogging from OC, CA (home of the sales studio at Blessed Nest)

@mamabub her bio reads

Wife. Mom to Bub and Bubette. Cupcake connoisseur. Living in domestic bliss in Orange County.”

*read more about Megan at Mama Bub


Thank you for joining us this MOMday Morning! winner (U.S. residents only) will receive a Nesting Pillow (of your choice) and $75.00 cash to be paid via PayPal transfer only.

Contest closes Monday September 13th 9:00pm PST


Happy MOMday Morning!


 MOMday Morning guidelines available for your reading pleasure here






 Today's post by Alex at Peek a

Alex is a member of our "flock". She supports Blessed Nest by offering our Nesting Pillow & Nest Egg on her eco friendly site!
This is a re-post from her newsletter! For updates on what she offers and how she serves her community click here to subscribe. (scroll to the bottom of the page and look to left side bar for Newsletter "box").
This post is geared towards the preschool  age child but I think it's great for all kids including home school park dates, field trips or family fun!. Keep it green!



Waste-free lunch essentials for kids going back to pre-school or daycare:
-Reusable lunch bag or backpack. If you need to store food for many hours, choose insulated bags.
-Reusable containers and sandwich/snack bags. Stainless steel or glass containers are a safe alternative to plastic. Choose cloth snack bag instead of plastic bag.

-Reusable utensils and bowl. Bamboo is a very eco-friendly option.
-Reusable placemat.
-Reusable waterproof bib or cloth napkin.
-Reusable bottle. For babies choose safe plastic (BPA-free and phthalate-free) bottle. For older kids choose stainless steel water bottle.
-Reusable labels for naming all your kids items.

The Blessed Nest flock


Wordless Wednesday~The perfect gift

Heather received the perfect birthday gift!


More Wordless over at 5 Minutes for



Heather and MurphyEver wondered where the money goes that is raised during one of those
"walk for the cure events"? Well, now we know...Heather found a suspicious lump
in a routine checkup and was in one of the best Breast Cancer screening
centers in the country the next day... Susan G. Koman picking up the
tab. Those people don't mess around.
So, if you've ever walked or donated, THANK YOU. I'd like to give you
the same tearful hug I gave the ultrasound tech who gave me my good
news (HOORAY!). I only had to worry (even a little) for one night. And
now I have a healthy baseline mammogram which could increase my chance
of survival by up to 24% if there ever is a problem.

After my appointment, I enjoyed a celebratory ice cream cone in honor of the best news I've had in a while!

And ladies, if you think you can't afford to get a mammogram, get off your butt and get one. If I have access, you have access...

love, Heather

Find a local program in your area. Free services are available with a click of the mouse or a few google searches. Take the time to see if you qualify. You probably do! Go here to find a location!