Blessed Nest nurtures moms

so they can nurture their babies with peace of mind

Entries in Blessed Nest (39)


Wordless Wednesday~ nature walk

The only thing more divine than God’s nature might be seeing it in tiny hands.

Photography by Monkey Moon ~ We are so blessed to have Gina on our team and advisory board at Blessed Nest

More Wordless Wednesday over at 5 Minutes For

 & WW headquarters



In the Asheville, NC area? Get your picture taken.

 Monkey Moon Photography

Follow Gina on Twitter

Love, to the moon and back



Blessed Nest Neighbor~ Anthony's Beehive

As you may know by now, we moved our production ( including Heather) to Lawrence,KS last year. Heather is loving it there and I get to visit every now and again! Lawrence is really wonderful. It's a lot country and enough city to make it just perfect. We are discovering more and more amazing businesses  located in and around this area daily. We are taking a day each week here on the perch to highlight the beauty in our own backyard.

Anthony's Beehive has over 200 hives located in Douglas, Franklin, and Leavenworth Counties in Kansas. What makes this business unique is that Anthony was born with developmental disabilities.

Heather and I love a good story. It was a child's dream which started Anthony's and parents who believed in his dream!

Their business philosophy is based on "exceptional service and belief in serving the community, whether it is providing education about bees, supporting other small businesses, or offering quality natural products from the "Heart of the Hive".  We could all take a lesson from Anthony's diligence, and from the bees that he watches intently as they harvest nectar from the flowers of Northeast Kansas."

Visit Anthony's to read the dream, vision and business philosophy which birthed from the heart of a little boy!



Love to the moon and back,



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Once in a Blue Moon~ Happy New Year!

We are very excited about the new year, new decade, fresh start, even number, but especially the BLUE MOON! (won't happen again on New Year's Eve until 2028... pretty special!) Shop at until 1/2/10 and enter "Blue Moon" at checkout for $20.10 off ANYTHING, even slipcovers and Nest Eggs! 

Just as they say, once in a blue moon....this kind of deal at is once in a blue moon so fly on over!


If you're wondering what Blue Moon's an extra full moon. This extra full moon during the year happens to fall on New Years Eve!

Happy New Year!!

Love you to the Blue Moon & back ;)

~Heather & Donna


A Blue Moon as defined by Wikipedia~

"A blue moon is a Full Moon that is not timed to the regular monthly pattern. Most years have twelve full moons which occur approximately monthly, but in addition to those twelve full lunar cycles, each solar calendar year contains an excess of roughly eleven days compared to the lunar year. The extra days accumulate, so that every two or three years (7 times in the 19-year Metonic cycle), there is an extra full moon. The extra moon is called a "blue moon." Different definitions place the "extra" moon at different times."


A Christmas stitched with love

It was Christmas time and  I was in my mid 20's ( now over 15 years ago!) attending a typical Christmas party with food, fun and fellowship.  It's one of the first memories of time spent with my dear friend Heather.

Heather and I met when introduced by a mutual friend who told us we were going to be friends for life. She was right.

I don't remember the magic of the evening or what we ate or what was said; all I remember was a Christmas stocking, hand stitched with love. This stocking was caught in the middle of the "Christmas gift exchange" party. Most of us brought white elephant gifts but Heather brought this beautiful Christmas stocking. I was going to steal it. It was going to be mine. I could not leave the party without it! I don't remember why I did NOT win the stocking, or what I got instead. All I remember is that I complained for the rest of the party about how sad I was for not winning this stocking!  Part of me was just having fun complaining but the other 1/2 of me really needed to have something so beautiful for my lonely little apartment of this then, single gal.

I went home knowing I did not have a stocking to hang from my chimney with care and after seeing this sweet hand stitched treasure, I could not settle for anything else. I would do without.

Have I told you much about Heather? She is the most kind, unselfish, giving women I know. She loves others and will often go without so someone else can have an abundance.  She made the first Nesting Pillow for me when I was in need of comfort and safety for my baby.

She made my first hand stitched Christmas stocking over 15 years ago. Did I ask her to? NO! She delivered it to my door two days after the party. This spoiled friend got her hand stitched stocking made with love!

I still hang this stocking from the chimney with care 15 years later and my Nesting Pillow  now holds my head as I dream of sugar plums dancing....

Heather loves to nurture and loves to give. she always has!


Have a merry Christmas!


Love to the moon and back, Heather!


The Bake Sale....

Today's post written by Dr. Joanna

New York City's Department of Education has banned bake sales, or at least limited them to once a month. While many parents and PTA members are bemoaning this new regulation, I am celebrating. The percentage of overweight and obese children is increasing at an alarming rate and we need to do all we can to stem the flow of this obesity epidemic.


Schools should be a safe haven for our children. As a Pediatrician and Child Obesity Specialist, I have overweight children crying in my office on a daily basis because they are constantly surrounded by unhealthy temptations. The average child is constantly bombarded with commercials for unhealthy foods, super-sized portions of fattening fare, and nonstop celebrations for birthdays, holidays, and other excuses for indulgence. While there is nothing our schools can do about the ubiquitous McDonald's, Burger Kings, and Taco Bells, there is certainly much they can do to do to keep our schools as healthy as possible.


There is simply no need to sell chocolate to our nation's already overweight students. Many opponents of these new regulations fear that they will no longer be able to raise needed money for things like sports equipment, uniforms, and school trips. And with recent budget cuts, schools do need to raise as much money as possible.


In light of these arguments, I have come up with two lists of Fundraising Ideas for Schools (That Don't Involve Food). Have no fear- there are still many easy ways for our school organizations to raise money.




1. Discount Cards/Entertainment Coupon Books

2. Raffles

3. Scratch Cards

4. Wrapping Paper

5. Flowers

6. "Adopt-A-Tree"

7. Stationery

8. Smencils

9. Scented Candles

10. Calendars


1. Car Wash

2. Fun Run

3. Charity Bike Ride

4. Baseball or Dance Marathon

5. Mini Golf Tournament

6. Spelling Bee (for Students or Parents)

7. Bingo

8. Talent Show

9. Auction Dinner (with locally donated products)

10. Recycled Bottles/Cans Drive

Thank you Dr. Joanna for another great post! You're work is encouraging and appriciated~Helping others make healthy choices~ xo Donna and Heather

Be Well,

 Joanna Dolgoff, MD
Dr.Dolgoff's Weigh

Find Dr. Joanna here


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