Blessed Nest nurtures moms

so they can nurture their babies with peace of mind

Entries in Christmas (1)


A Christmas stitched with love

It was Christmas time and  I was in my mid 20's ( now over 15 years ago!) attending a typical Christmas party with food, fun and fellowship.  It's one of the first memories of time spent with my dear friend Heather.

Heather and I met when introduced by a mutual friend who told us we were going to be friends for life. She was right.

I don't remember the magic of the evening or what we ate or what was said; all I remember was a Christmas stocking, hand stitched with love. This stocking was caught in the middle of the "Christmas gift exchange" party. Most of us brought white elephant gifts but Heather brought this beautiful Christmas stocking. I was going to steal it. It was going to be mine. I could not leave the party without it! I don't remember why I did NOT win the stocking, or what I got instead. All I remember is that I complained for the rest of the party about how sad I was for not winning this stocking!  Part of me was just having fun complaining but the other 1/2 of me really needed to have something so beautiful for my lonely little apartment of this then, single gal.

I went home knowing I did not have a stocking to hang from my chimney with care and after seeing this sweet hand stitched treasure, I could not settle for anything else. I would do without.

Have I told you much about Heather? She is the most kind, unselfish, giving women I know. She loves others and will often go without so someone else can have an abundance.  She made the first Nesting Pillow for me when I was in need of comfort and safety for my baby.

She made my first hand stitched Christmas stocking over 15 years ago. Did I ask her to? NO! She delivered it to my door two days after the party. This spoiled friend got her hand stitched stocking made with love!

I still hang this stocking from the chimney with care 15 years later and my Nesting Pillow  now holds my head as I dream of sugar plums dancing....

Heather loves to nurture and loves to give. she always has!


Have a merry Christmas!


Love to the moon and back, Heather!