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Project 320~Win a bundle by giving

Give water

Give life

Project 320 well

about project 320

enter to win a bundle at project 320 give 10.00 to enter

the mission~from the project 320 water well site

Today I...

Took a shower.
Brushed my teeth.
Filled the coffee pot.
Filled the Christmas tree stand.
Ran the dishwasher.
Ran the washing machine.
Used the toilet.
Washed my hands.
Did some more dishes.
And lots more laundry.
Rinsed salad greens.
Ran baths.
Topped off my iron.
Fed my kids glasses of fresh, clean water.

Water, water, water...

Is it fair that today I whine & worry over trees & toys,
when today 4500 moms just like me are worrying whether their
children will live or die?

Over contaminated water?

When I think about how healthy and safe my family is, I have no worries.
I need nothing.
I am so blessed.

But those other moms need us.
Together, we can relieve some worry.


We donated a Nest Egg....one lucky, giving person won a bundle today!

Enter to win all week. 5 days, 15 bundles, 20 + gifts per bundle WOW!

Love to the moon and back,





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