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Blessed Nest Perch~Re-use, simply perfect birthday



This year we wanted to do something a little different for my daughters 6th birthday party. We decided to go with a simple approach to the big celebration.

The birthday party theme: White Elephant- recycle, re-use, come and enjoy the fun and run around like wild animals!

Our party was inspired by our sweet friend Grace and her momma Sierra ( sister of Heather and Blessed Nest team mom). Sierra has always encouraged her daughter to have guests give to a charity of Graces choice rather then receiving a lot of toys that she might not use or need. This has always gone over well in their family and Grace has such a heart of giving.

Tabitha loves to give, serve and have fun with her friends; but she also loves to receive and open presents. We talked about what Gracie does for her party and tried to figure out our own twist to fit Tabitha's little personality and my lack of our encouraging less is more in the past years! We are in the training mode at our house in this area. All though we don't spend tones of money on items for our girls, we do receive a lot of hand~ me~ downs and the girls lack for nothing!

little one having funWe fill in throughout the year purchasing educational and sustainable items for the girls. I'm all for new; if I'm purchasing with value based spending in mind. Questions I ask myself before I purchase.

  • Have I saved enough to purchase this item?
  • Do the girls really NEED it?
  • Will it last for both girls ( high quality~ hand made item) or will it be thrown in the corner or fall apart within a few months?
  • Who am I supporting by purchasing this product? We are teaching the girls to purchase items made in the USA or fair trade. When we are at Target they ask me to read who manufactures it and where it is made. We have done our homework on the big manufacturers and we know who is "safe" and adding quality to our environment and who we should NOT support.

I do try to buy on-line or from local creative moms when possible!

Back to the party....the invitation read:

Please join Tabitha and her friends for a white Elephant birthday celebration!

Tabitha is adopting a Elephant
from the San Diego Zoo. She needs help naming her new friend. Please come with name ideas to share!

Don't go shopping for a gift! Please bring a little gift from home to give to the birthday girl. If you want to...we would love to hear why you chose to give her the gift you did!

Most of all
come ready to play games, eat cake and run around like wild animals!

We did have a blast, the kids came with treasures form home and Tabitha loved the stories behind each gift. She didn't even ask to open the gifts. She was so busy being a social butterfly!

Tabitha and friendsBirthday girlMore Birthday fun



Reader Comments (4)

Awesome idea!!! It looks like Tabitha had a blast and I bet the guests LOVED sharing the story behind the toys they brought. I love this idea and you should totally share it on a million sites...

March 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKara-Noel

I so wish we could have been there. I still remember the day she was born. Makes me cry just thinking about it. She is so beautiful. Grace misses her. We are so proud of her. Love to you all!!!

March 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSierra

Looks like it was a lot of fun!!! :)

WOW, what a stunning little baby! Love both of the photos of the girls. You're such a creative mama. I hope Sophie is feeling better. Hugs her way from all of us.

March 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGina Carlin
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