It’s Greek to me… (review & giveaway) OVER

Giveaway Closed- I will post the winners by March 13th
A few weeks ago, Donna asked me to do a review for the Perch, and being the good friend that I am, I agreed. Twist my arm. Eat my most favorite food on the planet, made by a company I adore, and then share my adoration with the world… no problem! But I’ve had trouble writing this post, seriously. I get emotional, I swoon, I want to go on and on and on. So forgive me in advance…
First, I can’t say enough about my love of Stonyfield Farms, their dedication to people and planet, their perseverance & commitment to their inspiring business model (really, when I feel like Blessed Nest is a pipe dream that won’t survive the obstacles that keep coming at us, I read their story and I am moved to tears). Add to that their unbelievably delicious, affordable organic products and it defies reason. Am I gushing? I can’t help it… in times like these (or any times, really) doesn’t it feel better to spend your money on quality products made by exceptional people (and happy cows!)? I think so!
But I digress. This is a public service announcement, after all, and I have a job to do. There may actually be a few people out there who have not tried (perish the thought) Oikos Greek Yogurt, and have no idea why their lives seem so empty. Is that you? Well, sister, hold on to your hat… your life is about to change.
Imagine a world where brownies make you skinny, chubby legs are darling well into adulthood and 40 really is the new 30. This mystical place must be named Greece, because sitting on your supermarket shelf right now is the most divine substance called Greek Yogurt. It is rich and creamy (like cheesecake) and so tart and tangy it’s almost sassy. It has twice the protein of regular yogurt (and fewer carbs), and (you’d better be holding on, don’t say I didn’t warn you!) it has NO FAT and 90 tiny little calories per 5.3oz serving! And the thing is, that’s not one of those “fun sized” servings that leaves you feeling cheated. It’s hearty, delicious and totally satisfying… add some fruit and a little honey and you’ll feel like you’re breaking the law. (they even make it easy by adding natural flavors like vanilla, honey and blueberry… geniuses.) Did you forget that it’s made by Stonyfield Farms, so it’s also organic and comes from family diary farms? Really, I would not lie to you about something like that.
And get this: swap it for cream cheese, milk, sour cream, even buttermilk in your favorite recipe and you’ll have the neighbors calling you a liar at your next block party, when you show up with the fat free dip. Need that birthday cake to be gluten free? No need to deprive anyone of the joy of frosting, just whip some Oikos up with a little honey and you’ll have Martha calling you for your recipe. (think carrot cake… mmmm) In fact, forget the cake. All you need is a spoon. (more attention-getting recipes here)
Greece must be magical. Maybe I can celebrate my <eh-hem> 3oth birthday there & show off my adorable chubby legs!
(be warned, you will be subjected to more of my gushing about Stonyfield in the near future… you love it, I know you do)
Love, To the moon and back
Enter to win Stonyfield Yogurt and a Blessed Nest Organic Nest Egg Take-a-long pillow
the perfect Organic combo for baby and me
(1) winner for the Grand prize:value approx. $82.00
3 Free Yobaby coupons: about $4 each ($12)
2 Free 5.3 oz Oikos coupons: about $2 ($4)
2 Free Stonyfield 6 oz. cups: about $1 ($2)
1 Stonyfield coupon book: $5
1 YoBaby organic cotton bib ( Who loves YoBaby ) approx: $8
1 Organic Nest Egg -Take-a-long Pillow (Aqua or Pink Willow)$42.00 from
Blessed NestAqua Organic Nest Egg
(2) runner ups will win the following :Total Value $12
1 Free yobaby: $4
1 Free 5.3 oz. Oikos: $2
1 Free Stonyfield 6 oz.: $1
1 Stonyfield coupon book: $5
Here's how to enter:
1) Visit Stonyfield Farms web site and comment here telling us something you LOVE about their company. This will be easy.
2) for a SECOND entry Twitter about this giveaway and leave another comment with the link.
3) Blog about this giveaway and leave another comment with the direct link
That's it. Enjoy! The giveaway closes March 11th 12:00pm EST
We will choose the one grand prize winner and 2 runner ups by using

Reader Comments (34)
I am a Stonyfield fan (love the cream top varieties... mmm... and the YoBaby with fruit and cereal is great) but haven't tried Oikos yet. I need to, apparently!
It's organic. You can get the yogurt with the fat on good for a kid who struggles gaining weight. It is good for you.
AND.......IT'S PARKER'S FAVORITE. Really. Truly. But it's a wee bit pricey so this would be such a blessing.
Great giveaway1
That's just a cool website. The mango lassi smoothie in the recipe section looked pretty tasty. Fun giveaway!
Both of my girls have love the YoBaby products. I have recommended them to many friends who have had babies since our first started eating this yogurt. The drinkable yogurts are now the favorite in our house. I never would have even imagined my kids drinking yogurt but they LOVE it!
Love that they have Greek yogurt! It is my new favorite breakfast food.
To help reduce global warming, Stonyfield offsets all of the C02 emissions from their facility energy use.
Thanks for this great giveaway! We're huge Stonyfield fans in our household and especially love their yogurt.
callmeabookworm at gmail dot com
I love their recipes, especially this one:
Longevity and Energy Smoothie
By adding Açai fruit pulp, the fountain of youth is in your power. Açai is an antioxidant rich berry that grows wild in the Brazilian Amazon and is considered to be one of the top super foods in the world. Açai fruit pulp is found at organic and all natural food stores.
I love that they have a solar array on the roof. This way they can reuse and regenerate some of the energy they use in making their products.
I use the organic vanilla yogurt in smoothies for my nieces and nephews and they just love them
Stonyfield Farm engages in public activism to help protect the environment. Currently they are involved in the Merrimack Coal power plant expansion plans to make sure they are responsibly implemented.
I love that they're so environmentally helpful in their company!
I love that they have a program where you can send their hard to recycle number 5 plastic cups to for free and they turn them into toothbrushes! Thanks!!
They only used hand-picked fruit!
I love that they use farm-fresh milk from family farms!
I like that they keep coming out with new flavors.
I love Stonyfield Farms yogurt especially the Caramel Delight. Yum. I love that they do not use any fake sugar.
I like that:
Today, our organic ingredient purchases help to keep over 60,000 farm acres free of toxic, persistent pesticides and chemical fertilizers known to contaminate soil, rivers, and drinking water.
I love that they recycle the cups for free. What a great company.
Um yeah, I noticed the giveaway! I just didn't have time to visit the stonyfield site... till now.
I love love love that they use family farms!!
Off to a married couple breakfast at church :)
I like the fact that you can get coupons for their products on their site. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love how they have a solar array on the roof of the building they make the yogurt in. So they're using renewable energy to make their products - it'd be great if more companies thought along those lines. Thanks for the chance!
I sooooo love Stonyfield Farms because they passionately oppose the use of rBST which make this eco~friendly MAMA (that's me) truly ecstatic! YEAH!
Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))
And, I TWITTERED about this give~away.......user name: leahita.
This is my all-time favorite preggo craving!!!
I love that they are eco-conscious!! :)
I tweeted this (kgail11)