Today's post written by Dr. Joanna Dolgoff
Want a healthier lifestyle? All you have to do is eat home-cooked meals with your family. Restaurant portion sizes are growing larger by the minute. Unfortunately, people who frequently dine out are growing larger too! Why? People eat more when greater quantities of food are put in front of them. Eating out impacts our children's health and lifestyle in many ways. Statistics show that children who eat out four or more times a week have a greater risk of high blood pressure, higher levels of LDL (bad cholesterol), lower levels of HDL (good cholesterol) and lower insulin sensitivity, an early warning sign of diabetes. Avid restaurant eaters drink more soda and other sugared drinks than those who eat at home. The truth is teens eat about one third of their meals away from home! The extra calories they consume may lead to weight related medical issues. Preparing meals at home will keep your weight under control and cholesterol levels in check. The one thing that will grow larger? Your wallet... eating in is much less expensive than dining out!
Here are some helpful hints.
1) You are in Control - Eating at home puts you in control of what is being served at the dinner table. You control the quality and types of ingredients when preparing meals. When eating out we can ask for no butter, oil, salt, or mayo but chances are there is more fat in the foods we are eating than we realize. Let's face it: restaurants want their food to taste as good as possible so you will keep coming back. The easiest, cheapest way to get food to taste great? Fat! 2) Portion Size - Increased portion size is one of many reason children gain weight. Restaurant portion sizes can be up to three to four times the amount kids should be eating at one meal. When children eat most of their meals out, they become used to large serving sizes and tend to overeat. When eating in, you can choose the appropriate amounts for you and your family, reducing the risk of over indulgence. 3) Quality Time - Conversations during the meal provide opportunities for the family to bond, plan, connect, and learn from one another. Have each family member participate in the meal preparation and planning. This teaches children the importance of how to cook and become self-sufficient when it comes to dining. Turn off the television during meals so there are no distractions; allow this time with your family to be for sharing stories and events that may have happened during the day.
4) You Spend Less Money - Buying ingredients at the grocery store is always much cheaper than eating out at restaurants. Try cooking in large quantities and freezing extra portions for another meal. This is a great time-saver for later when you're too busy to cook or don't have the right ingredients handy. 5) Skip on Dessert - Families who eat out often tend to eat more dessert than those who eat dinner at home. It is very hard to resist that dessert menu, or even worse, the dessert cart! You may be full but somehow the chocolate mousse ends up on the table. Make a commitment to prepare more home-cooked meals. It is time to bring the 'family' back to the dinner table. Your health, your wallet and your family will thank you. The benefits of preparing a home-cooked meal far exceed the luxury of eating out.
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