Dr. Bill Sears on why organic is important for your baby

Yobaby ( Stonyfield Farm) has partnered with Dr. Sears. We have the privilege of passing on important information from Stonyfield Farms and Dr. Bill Sears about your baby, health and organic products.
FYI: This is not a sponsored post. We just think Stonyfiled farms and Dr. Bill Sears are super cool. We love passing on great news!
yum....organic Yo BabyDr. Bill Sears on why organic is important for your baby
(from his book “The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood”)
It's a logical assumption: if you want your kids healthy, you feed them healthy food. And today, more and more parents are choosing healthy by choosing organic.
Are your kids worth organic? Of course!
Pollutants in the air and water and in food all have the potential to harm your child’s health. So while you’re keeping them safe from environmental toxins, give them organic food that’s free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
What is organic? Organic refers to the way meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables are grown and processed. At its core, it relies on a healthy rich soil to produce strong plants that resist pests and diseases. Organic farming prohibits the use of toxic and persistent chemicals in favor of more "earth-friendly" practices that work in harmony with nature. In the case of livestock, antibiotics are prohibited, opting instead for preventative measures for keeping animals healthy and productive. Organic production also prohibits the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Are organic foods really that much healthier? I believe they’re the best choice for kids.
Growing bodies are more vulnerable to the carcinogenic risks of pesticides. Young bodies store more toxins – pesticides are stored in fat and infants and toddlers have proportionately more body fat than adults
Adult food “safety limits” may not be safe for children – Kids don’t eat or metabolize pesticides like little adults, and the amount of food they eat is greater in proportion to their body weight than the same food eaten by an adult.
Safer foods are healthier foods – Some studies have shown organic foods are higher in antioxidants.
"One of the best things a parent can do nutritionally for their children is to introduce them to organic food," says Dr. Sears. "Stonyfield Farm organic yogurt has been a staple in our house for all eight of our kids – I like knowing that it has a high level of active cultures. As a pediatrician, I recommend organic yogurt to my patients for a variety of nutritional needs." read more about Dr. Sears
Thank you Dr. Sears for such valuable information. We have a fun surprise coming your way soon. Sierra (Heather’s sister and our resident pregnant, nursing mom) had the opportunity to ask Dr. Sears some specific questions on organic foods and overall health for our children.
Interview with Dr. Sears coming soon with a giveaway too!
Love, to the moon and back
Heather and Donna
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