What can't you handle?

We get e-mails from moms often expressing their difficulties with parenting. You know, the everyday stuff we all have to deal with as a mom but often feel alone in the struggle of it all.
I home school- You know I love it. I've shared the crafts we've done and the fun I've had teaching my daughter how to read....but have I told you that I wonder at times, if we should put her in school? *Gasp I know! I often feel less then? *Wow, really? Yes! The moments are fleeting. I know homeschooling is best for our family and 90% of the time, I see the joy in it. But why is it that the 10% - the hard times, seem to out way the 90% of pure joy? Isn't that true of parenting? Marriage? We sometimes are so hard on ourselves that we only see the 10% and forget to focus on looking down the 90% road. I find reading blogs helps. Well, accept when I come across a home school blog where the mom seems perfect, then I get discouraged. Then again, I know no one is perfect.
But today I laughed. I was spending a nice moment reading the morning paper facebook and blog posts when I remembered Ree. We all know her, we all love her. If you don't know her, well jump on over. Your life will be changed forever....and you might even want to live on a Ranch....*sigh I DO!
So back at my ranch. I'm reading the morning paper posts while sipping from my life line cup of coffee; when all of a sudden, a bug landed on me. I jumped. My coffee spilled all over the floor. The entire cup!
Today....I can't handle my COFFEE.
Did you visit Ree's place, The Pioneer Women? She gives us a cathartic-exercise, go get yourself some parenting tools, pioneer style.
You see, she is a home school mom, she is a mom. She struggles. She laughs.
What can't you handle today? Laugh about it and then focus on the 90% of pure joy!
disclaimer...ha Our readers have a great sense of humor so I'm not thinking you will take Ree too seriously about her "hollering" .... But if you're new around these parts well, please be kind to yourself and laugh a little! ahh...smile *