Twin Fame

Today’s post written by Stephanie
If you have multiples, I'm certain I do not need to point out to you how big of an attraction they are to other people around you. Going about my day with my 9 month old twin boys can at times be a bit like acting as a security guard / PR Rep for a couple of celebrities or rock stars.
People stare at them, they point, they exclaim things, they come up and ask me questions about them, they attempt to touch them, and they openly talk about you and your babies with their friends (right in front of you as if you can't hear them). No requests for autographs or photos yet though.
I reflect back now at how I thought being pregnant with twins was a total 3 ring circus. The moment people find out you are expecting not just one baby, but two babies .... watch out. It seems everyone has a story about twins they are saving up for the first pregnant woman with multiples to pass them by. "My husband's Uncle's step daughter had twin girls ...." And once you make it past the story section, there is the Q & A portion of the encounter. How much weight have you gained? Are they natural? Are they identical?
I now realize that the twin pregnancy is just a warm up to navigating day to day with my pair of stars. This special attraction part of the package came as a bit of a surprise to me at first. Not as much as finding out I was expecting twins, but it was an unexpected development.
I found myself wondering if I use to do the same types of things when I saw twin babies prior to having my own. My verdict? I think I did. Why not? They are so cute and it is not something you see everyday. Who doesn't adore staring at babies, especially a pair of them. Of course I pointed those babies out to my mom or daughter too! Who doesn't?
With this mini revelation, I've realized that I need to just go with it. We are popular, what's so horrible about that. Instead of dreading all the attention, I now find it sweet. I enjoy the little tales and I share some of my own. I've embraced the realization that things are just going to take longer when I bring them both. This added time for errands is not only because I have two kids in tow, but because people are curious.
Next time you spot me out and about with Declan and Cormac stop to say hi. I promise to say hello back. Or visit us all on our blog, And twins make 5!

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