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Summer Heat is on..keep your family safe

work at home moms

Today's post written by Tara of MedBasics.com

True or Not True?


1. Give a cool alcohol bath to treat heat exhaustion. FALSE
The days of alcohol baths are long gone. Pediatricians no longer recommend this practice as the alcohol absorption may have toxic effects.

2. Heat exhaustion untreated may lead to heat stroke. TRUE
Signs of heat exhaustion:
pale, moist skin, usually a fever over 103 degrees, nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, weakness, muscle cramps
Signs of heat stroke:
red, dry skin, usually a fever over 105 degrees, nausea, vomiting, headache, lethargy, rapid heart rate, seizures, coma and death are possible.

What should you do?

heat exhaustion: remove excess clothing, move to a cool place to rest, try to give fluids. If your child is unable to drink, IV fluids are most likely necessary- call you pediatrician.
heat stroke: remove excess clothing, move to a cool place to rest, try to give fluids, place ice bags under arms and on groin. Heat stroke is a life-threatening medical emergency and needs to be treated by a physician, call 911 if you think your child is suffering from heat stroke.

3. Leaving children in a hot car- even for a brief period of time (yea, hi mom & dad- gotta love parenting in the 70's!) can lead to heat exhaustion.
Leaving a child in a hot car can indeed lead to heat exhaustion and if for any period of time will lead to heat stroke which can be fatal. Never, ever, ever leave your child in a car.

know more. worry less.

Find Tara blogging at MedBasics Blog

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Love you to the moon and back




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