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A home for our Nest

We are so excited to announce our permanent home for Blessed Nest! We have been looking and waiting for the perfect studio and home office for Heather and Blessed Nest production! Last year we came close to purchasing a old bank building right off route 66. All though this sounds glamorous, the building needed a lot of work! In the end, we are glad it didn't work out. We've always had the vision of working with stay at home moms, Grandmas and Aunties. We will be hiring a few new seamstresses who can work from home and sew! We don't see the need to spend money on a large production facility. We would rather hire women who have the freedom to work from home and be with their children.

Now that I've given you a bit of background of our journey; would you like to know where we landed? Lawrence,Kansas is the new home for Blessed Nest! Heather LOVES it. Can you believe she even sees a little bit of Brooklyn in this little city!

Heather and her puppy, Murphey go for a walk every night...Heather has been in awe of what she has seen....a baby wearing bluegrass band! That's right. Heather had the privilege of speaking with this sweet group!

Baby wearing & bluegrass at the farmer's market... KS might be heaven

Meet The Prairie Acre....

Walking home from the library, Heather passed the most spectacular community garden she had ever seen!












And another night in the park, walking distance from the Blessed Nest studio! Well worth the wait. We now have the perfect Nesting spot!

Don't forget to enter our giveaway for  Baby Bootie and Blessed Nest!

Love you to the moon and back




Reader Comments (6)

Lawrence is so close to Wichita, physically... and yet so far away! Glad you've found a new roost.

July 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNaomi

Oooo, I'm so excited for you! Lawrence is a great place, I'm sure you're going to love it there. Not far from Topeka or KC, either!

Wow, maybe we could get together the next time I'm visiting family in Olathe... :)

July 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

So fun how many of our readers/friends are in KS! We would love to meet up with you. Heather is the one in KS right now...I'm working on my husband, hopefully we will be there sooner then later too.
Heather would love to meet up with you Wendy and Naomi! I would be a bit jealous though! I might be out there in September?!

July 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDonna~ Blessed Nest

Congrats on the new digs!

It's great to be within walking distance of evening entertainment. We've got that in Pleasantville - it's designed to be a walking community.

Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

I'd love to see you at my blog: Life Makes Me Laugh

July 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThe Laughing Idiot

Lawrence, Kansas is the center of the universe - no kidding, go to Google Earth & it's the center...haha

But I love prairies and work with prairie voles. Lawrence has one of the 2 most studied populations of prairie voles known to scientists. Have fun and enjoy the prairie wildlife -sage grouse, if you can.

July 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDNLee

well, that explains why I feel so centered here! After bouncing all over the country, there isn't much better than finally finding HOME! Not much missing now :)
(I have to admit, I had to google "prairie voles" and "sage grouse"... I am a CA girl, after all!)

July 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
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