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Weekend Round Up at Blessed Nest


Wow, it's Saturday already! Did you have a good week? We stayed really busy here. Donna has been packing for a big move next week ( when she wasn't working on a Blessed Nest project or having summer fun with her girls.) Heather took the bull by the horns and tackled our website (when she wasn't sewing and running production for your Nesting Pillows and other organic goodies.) That's right. Heather built our website.....and we are soon to have our "Grand re-opening"!

The best of Blessed Nest News round up:

Heather and Donna have had the pleasure of recording podcasts with Graham from Tumblon! We speak from our hearts and give you the true, raw picture of the day in a life of this Mommy, Auntie team!

Heather talks about products for parents - Podcast

Donna talks about the many resposibilities of parenting- Podcast

Heather talks about why we need nurturing relationships - Podast

Mom U R Fat , I love you- a fun look at body image and good literature...

Homemade deodorant by Jill

 A few more days for the Baby Booty Spray and Nest Egg giveaway!


 Love, to the moon and back



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