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Be Well~ Dr Weigh on Healthy school lunch time

Today's post written by Dr. Joanna Dolgoff

Lunch-time at school can be tricky because the meals served in the cafeteria are usually not healthy, but rather, convenient for the school. Now, I know it can be hard to find the time in the morning to pack a child's lunch, with everyone rushing to get ready, so plan ahead and make as much as possible the night before! And remember, pack delicious and healthy snacks for your child so she won't be tempted to "trade" items with another child at school or scramble together loose change to buy a bag of chips!
     Here are a few healthy lunch ideas that won't make your child feel deprived of the typical lunch foods her friends will be eating!
     We recommend a
wheat (bread), a meat (protein) and a treat (snack) plus a fruit for vegetable for lunch!  This way your child is getting several different food groups in one meal.
     A sandwich is a typical school lunch but you can make it less boring by switching up the meats and cheeses. If your child is a big fan of salami and pepperoni, combine one slice of these higher fat deli meats with a few slices of lighter versions like turkey and chicken breast!
     Add an apple, orange, banana, whatever fruit you prefer along with a small 100- calorie pack of chips, cookies or crackers and you have a complete lunch for your child that will leave him feeling satisfied and alert throughout the school day.
     Also, be sure to pack water so your child stays hydrated throughout the day! 
Here are 10 ideas for healthy lunch options:
-Tuna or chicken salad (made with fat-free mayo) in a pita pocket

-Tuna macaroni salad (made with whole wheat macaroni and fat-free mayo)

-Peanut butter and banana sandwich
-English muffin pizza (with low fat or fat-free cheese)

-Homemade "lunchables"- turkey, low fat or fat-free cheese, and wheat crackers to make into mini-sandwiches

-Hummus sandwich on pita bread

-Fat-free cream cheese and lox on a whole wheat mini bagel

-Quesadilla (whole-wheat tortilla with melted low fat or fat-free cheese)

-Sandwich with grilled vegetables and low fat or fat-free mozzarella cheese

-Healthy chicken fingers- cold strips of grilled chicken.  May dip in barbeque sauce, ketchup, or honey mustard.
Become a member of Dr. Dolgoff's Weigh and browse many more healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack ideas.  Click here to go to Dr. Dolgoff's Weigh now!


Be Well,


Joanna Dolgoff, MD
Dr.Dolgoff's Weigh






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