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Blessed Nest Love Note

Another wonderful love note from a sweet customer.  Thank you Becki for taking the time to write!

I ordered a nesting egg from you last fall to go with the nesting pillow I was using to nurse my baby.  I just found the postcard you included with my order and thought I would finally write to tell you how much I have loved your products over the past 13 months.  I have used my nesting pillow almost every single day since Bennett was born over a year ago (the exceptions being the days I have traveled out of town - which is why I ordered the egg to bring on the trips I took!).  It is a fabulous nursing pillow.  Never have I had a hard time getting him situated and he has always been very comfortable and secure laying on it.  My sister used a different nursing pillow and has already given that away (her boy is 21 months old) and has emphatically said that should she have another child, she will definitely be getting a nesting pillow.  (Actually, I know she will, since the second I find out she's pregnant, I'm getting her one!)

Just wanted you to know how very much I have and still am enjoying your products. 


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