The I Love Lucy Project

I first heard of The I Love Lucy Project, here. The I Love Lucy project is described lovely little girl
and a Mom with a mission. Read their story.
The I Love Lucy blog has been set up by Linda Eyre and her daughter Shawni to fight against blindness on behalf of Shawni's daughter Lucy. Lucy, who is three-years-old, was diagnosed last year with Bardet-Biedl Syndrome which causes blindness, obesity, and a wide array of other health issues.
We are on a race against time to fight against "retinitis pigmentosa," the type of retinal degeneration that will most likely affect Lucy's eyesight between ages 9-15. We are hoping that before the degeneration becomes more dramatic, the cures that wonderful foundations are working toward finding will come to fruition.
But these foundations need money in order to speed on their research. We hope this blog will be an avenue to create awareness and raise funds to help Lucy and others who suffer from this debilitating disease.

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