Blessed Nest nurtures moms

so they can nurture their babies with peace of mind

Entries in central soyfoods (1)


Monday at the Nest~Meet another neighbor

Good morning Monday! We are highlighting our home town every Monday here in the Nest on our Perch...

Lawrence, KS has so many cool places. I'm finding new friends for Heather weekly thanks to our friends at Local Burger who share who their BFF are on their star page. I however remain in Southern CA ( I know poor me) where I reside with my handsome husband and two sweet little sales assistants Tabi and Sophie ages 4 and 6.

Our "star" today is Central Soyfoods! They have been hand crafting soyfoods since 1978~

Read more about Central Soyfoods on their ultra cool web site....


Have you met our other neighbors?

Local Burger? read our post here

 Anthony's Beehive? Buzz on over


Remember, become a Blessed Nest fan on Facebook and we will enter you to win a Blessed Nest organic Nest Egg ~ winner picked when we reach 200 fans! We're getting close!

Also, do you have a product from Blessed Nest? Post a picture on our FB fan page and win too! Another fan/ friend will win a Nest Egg or gift certificate for $42.00 to use on our site . Winner picked on 2/14/10


Love to the moon and back,

