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Meet Amelia from Purse*nal Creations~ Interview & giveaway


Thankful November......As you may know by now, Heather and I are taking the month of November to honor the special women in our lives. Women in business who have blessed us. Some are new friends. A few we have known for many years..... today's inspirational woman in our lives is Amelia Cole from Purse*nal Creations

I have known Amelia since she was 4 years old. She has always been an exceptional girl and now an even more exceptional woman! Amelia is a 20 year old college student and the founder of Purse*nal Creations.com. She grew up in Southern California, where she was homeschooled. (Her mother is another inspirational woman in my life) Just look at how her daughter turned out!!

Enjoy our interview and giveaway!


<Donna>  What inspired you to start your company, Purse*nal Creations?

<Amelia> I was inspired to start Purse*nal Creations because I always found it difficult to find just the right purse. I thought if only there was a place that I could "build" my own purse to fit my needs. So thats how I got the idea for my business.

<Donna>  When did you learn how to sew and who taught you?

<Amelia> I learned to sew in 4H where my teacher Mrs. Schrieber taught me when I was 10 years old.

<Donna> You are a young business owner. What keeps you inspired while you are busy with College?

<Amelia> I love sewing so it is easy for me to make time for it in my busy college life. It is harder to find time for my homework then finding time to sew. :)

<Donna> Other than college and sewing~ What do you enjoy doing in your spare time...

<Amelia> Well, a new passion I have discovered has been all types of art; drawing, painting, and sculpting. 

Thank you Amelia!


 Enter to win a "Mini Me" purse from Amelia's new collection just for little girls!


This purse is made especially for little girls ready to make that big step of carrying around their very own purse. It is just a smaller version of the Trim & Trendy but just as durable and unique.
Here's what you need to do to enter the giveaway:
1) Visit Purse*nal Creations and tell us what fabric you will choose if you win. Leave a comment here telling us what you chose.

2) For an extra entry become a Fan on Purse*nal facebook . Comment here and tell us you became a fan.

3) Twitter this giveaway and comment to tell us you did.
giveaway ships to USA address only. Closes 11/29/09  12:00pm EST

4) Become a fan of Blessed Nest on Facebook. Comment and tell us you did.
Enter our other Thankful giveaways:

 Love to the moon and back,



Reader Comments (21)

I love Flower Power print! what a cute line and idea!

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth

These are so cute! My daughter would love it, and I think she would like the flower power fabric best! Thanks :)

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristine Jensen

So cute. I like the Multicolored polka dots.

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAshley Elaine

the quilted hearts is my favorite and my daughter will love this to

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternicole barr

Purse*nal facebook fan "nicole barr"

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternicole barr

tweet http://twitter.com/alyssasmom9807/statuses/5902918684

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternicole barr

blessed nest fb fan "nicole barr"

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternicole barr

I would choose the Corduroy Hearts

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMary Somerville

I'd choose Flower Power Mini Me #202.


November 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersoha molina

I became a fan on FB. sohamolina


November 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersoha molina

I would choose the purses fabric! My preschooler is SUCH a girlie-girl and would love this for Christmas!

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCassie M

The Flower Power is adorable; what a great site!

November 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmour

I love the Mini Me # 201
Quilted Hearts (corduroy) soo cute! Thanks ;)

November 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShop with Me Mama (Kim)

Fanned purse*nal on facebook (kim delatorre)

November 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShop with Me Mama (Kim)

fanned you on facebook (kim delatorre)

November 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShop with Me Mama (Kim)

i like purses fabric

November 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLysa

I entered A month of Thankfulness and giving~ a giveaway.

November 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLysa

I would pick Flower power

November 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Mini Me # 208
Multicolored polka dots

November 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShelly

I love the design of the purse. I would pick Mini Me # 203, flower field corduroy (for now ;)

November 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulie L

I also like the polka dots, my daughter is very girly and would love this

November 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLorene
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