Eli's Lids.com~Meet Kara-Noel ~A Lid giveaway

Giveaway closed~ Winner will be posted soon! 12/5/09
Thankful November~ A month of thankfulness!
Meet yet another amazing momma. Today we are bragging about Kara-Noel from Eli’s Lids.com! Kara-Noel has been an inspiration from the first time we met. This gal is beautiful, witty, crafty and a sweet friend. We both lead very crazy, busy lives and don’t get to meet up on the playground as much as we’d like; but when I see Kara-Noel she brings sunshine and laughter to my day! She is the momma of two sweet kids, owner of Eli’s Lids.com and one crafty girl! Thank you Kara-Noel for being a word of inspiration into my life!
Enjoy our interview and giveaway:
<Donna>You are the designer/owner of Elislids.com. Your son Eli was your original inspiration. Your children and Lid line are beautiful! What continues to inspire you when you have tough days?
<Kara-Noel>Eli is still my greatest inspiration… especially on tough days! We’ll have some new Trucker inspired Lids coming out in the new year with something he told me while he was having a fit… but you have to wait to find out what it was!
Nap time is pretty inspiring too… zzzzzzzzz…
<Donna>Your style of blogging is unique and fun. Does your silliness, quick wit and beauty come naturally or do you have to work at it?
<Kara-Noel> HA! Thank you!! I would say it comes pretty naturally! My parents say my sense of humor is from my dad’s mom… who was known to tell a (dirty) joke anywhere and often! I also taught aerobics at 24 Hour Fitness for 8 years. I noticed that by being silly and making fun of stuff (usually myself) I cultivated a fun genuine community in my classes. I hope that I’m cultivating the same thing on my blog by sharing our fun times. Being a mom is the most important thing anyone can do and it can be FUN, but we have to be intentional about the fun-ness!
<Donna>You are a crafty girl. Can you tell us what your favorite Thanksgiving season craft is?
<Kara-Noel> I do LOVE crafts!! This year my favorite craft are these sewn handprint turkeys. ( as seen on O.C. Family.com ~ hear me bragging about kara-Noel who is now a momma writer at OC family..yeh I know her..hehe) Take time to watch her video "she's Crafty" they are just simply cool!
<Donna> Who is the most inspirational women in your life and why?
<Kara-Noel> Most definitely my mom! She is REALLY funny (but don’t tell her I said that), easy to talk to and EVERYBODY likes her. She (and my dad) made a conscious effort to make my childhood magical… and it was! I grew up without much money and I never knew what a brand name was. My mom made most of my clothes (back when it was cheaper to make your own clothes) and I remember us sitting at dinner and her bragging that our huge meal only cost a $1.00 because of her coupon clipping and sale shopping! She taught me that you don’t have to have loads of money to be a gracious hostess or to give to those in need. She worked with what God provided to our family and gave me a childhood that kids dream about. I hope to be a mom that doesn’t get caught up in the world always striving for more “stuff,” but instead gets caught up being a wife (my husband is hot, so that isn’t hard) and a mommy that my kids will respect (and hopefully still like) when they grow up.
Kara-Noel is giving you a chance to win Lid of your choice!
Eli’s Lids are the best So just "put a Lid on it" My girls love theirs!
Enter to win a Lid!
1) Visit Eli’s Lids.com and tell us in the comments what style/print you will choose if you win.
2) For a extra entry, become a fan of Eli’s Lids on FaceBook
3) For a extra entry follow Eli’s Lids on Twitter
4) For a extra entry Twitter this giveaway.
5) For a extra entry become a fan of Blessed Nest.com on FaceBook.
Wow, I think that’s it!
Giveaway closes December 5th 12:00pm EST
Enter our other Thankful giveaways:

Reader Comments (9)
what a sweet site! I would choose the Snowboarder in red!!
I would pick the snowboarder size in brown size 1-5! These are so cute! :)
I would love the Snowboarder lid in Navy
I'm lovin the Snowboarder Grey w/ Red Star! I love the blue w/ Black star but that's sold out! I also became a fan of both of you on Facebook!
I would choose the snowboarder lid in blue with a black star.
I like the Red Tomboy Lid :)
I like the Reversible Yellow rock-n-roll
Eli's lids facebook fan
following eli's lids on twitter