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a dream, a journey

Today’s post is written by Cassie at Messy Fun Mommy Life. Cassie is a young, single mom whom I deeply admire. It’s so much fun to read about her journey as a mom in business. I too began my entrepreneurial journey when I was 21. I opened my first business at age 21 and haven’t looked back. I encourage all to peruse their dreams. Cassie has the dream of working at home as she raises her son. We know she will achieve her dream.

Thank you Cassie for teaming up with Blessed Nest....xo, Donna


Let me just tell you I am an entrepreneur.  I have tried every business model out there.  If I have not tried it, I have at least researched it! Now, I am not one of those ridiculous crazy women.  You know the women who sign up to sell everything. They buy the kit and never sell a thing? No, I am not THAT crazy.


I have sold Avon on and off since I was sixteen.  For the record I was dang good at it. I would walk up and down the hallway in our high-school with a bag full of brochures.  I sold more than you would think in those hallways. The big kicker was that I LOVED selling Avon.  Getting my order in was like Christmas day.  Reading the representative times gave me a high.  I even got to the point that I knew the price and pretty dang close to the page number of every item.  Mind you the books change every two weeks.  I was GOOD.


Anyways, somewhere between delivering orders with a baby on my hip and being too tired to remember to place orders I quit.   Quitting is easy; you have no obligation.  I did not feel it necessary to let my customers know that I was quitting.  You can see where this is going I am sure!


Well, I am back! Yes, selling Avon again and begging my old customers to please forgive me.  The economy is bad and anyone who loves selling anything I suggest Avon.  The company is well known and they basically have everything! 


 Since I’m showing my good business skills I have to attach my website.  Check it out if you want. If you every have any questions about directs sales of any kind.  I am the expert. I would be happy to help!

Reader Comments (1)

Cassie, this is GREAT. I hope you see it blossom!


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