FAll Fun~Blessed Nest

Are you ready for Halloween fun? This year we are all playing dress up....My husband is going to be the Joker from Batman. I will be little red riding hood. My 6 year old Holly Hobby and my 4 year old a lady bug. My neighbor asked why we didn't do a theme and all dress up together. I said, "well it just shows you that we all have very different opinions and ideas." Dare we infringe on someone elses creative concept. Oh my!
We've been having fun with Halloween this year. We just like to giggle in our family and have a bit of fun. My Mom was a kindergarten teacher for years and gave us a cute little idea for a craft. If you need some fun things to do to occupy your little "treat" before the big night tomorrow, try this.
Get sticks of any sort. If you don't have Popsicle sticks use sticks from the garden. Use stickers are draw, decorate 5 little pumpkins and attach them to the sticks.
Then have your children memorize the poem below.
They can entertain as they treat. FYI my girls make stick puppets year around to act out stories during our story time! It's a great way for your child to memorize poems and stories.
When my 4 year old needs something to do, we put paper, stickers and scissors in front of her. Sophie is learning to write on her own. I think she is a little young but she loves to copy words ( or try). I encourage her self starting attitude...she does the best she can. She asked me to write the word "scary". After I gave her the word on a sheet of paper, this is what she came up with.
Enjoy your day and the many blessings of time spent with family and friends!
Love to the moon and back,