Blessed Nest nurtures moms

so they can nurture their babies with peace of mind

Entries in blessed nest news (7)


Blessed Nest Winter Newsletter~Giveaway

Become a Blessed Nest fan on Facebook & we will enter you to win a organic Nest Egg take along pillow~details below or click here




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Nest Egg Giveaway on Facebook

Blessed Nest photo event! Add a picture to our fan page (photo including any of our products) and we will enter you to win either a Nest Egg or a $42.00 gift certificate to our on-line store, (Wholesale stores included!) So post fan pictures!! We will pick a winner via on 2/14/10 click here to enter on Facebook

Also, over at Facebook.....another way to win a Nest Egg~

We are getting closer to 200 fans! When we reach 200, one of you will win a Nest Egg organic take along pillow! Spread the word..tell your FB friends! Pretty please...


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Love, to the moon and back

sig heather and Donna

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use coupon code "winter" during check-out at

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Recovering~ Blessed Nest Weekend round up

Wow, I'm tired. Do you ever feel that way? HA HA. If you are a mom of young children, you feel that way. If you are busy and living life you feel that way every now and again and if you have two young children and have packed and moved your life to a much smaller living space; you feel that way. That's me. All of the above is me. Blogging was at a minimum this past week but we have some exciting things coming your way in the near future! My husband and I are determined to get and live debt free. We have some amazing mentors in our life who lead debt free lives and have an abundance. They are simply wise and creative! Kara- Noel from Eli's Lids is someone I look to for wisdom in the area of financing! She will be writing a post for us regarding  credit and why you CAN live without it!


Weekend round up~ our busy week.

Sierra, Heather's wonderful sister gave birth to baby William! Congratulations Si! Pictures coming soon.

Donna moved...enough said about that

Donna and Heather BFFHeather continues to make everything happen and get you your Nesting Pillows despite the challenges we face as a growing small business determined to stay debt free. Call us crazy...go ahead you can.


Flash from the past~

Donna shares her personal story celebrating World Breastfeeding week

Happy Day~ The launch of our New Blessed Nest Web Site

Greening Up the Neighborhood~ My girls clean up the park

AND Don't forget.....

 Blessed Nest is teaming with The Riley Project for the Month of August:

Purchase a "Riley's Raindrop" in support of The Riley Project here

$39.00 regular price $42.00

 Love, to the moon and back


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