A month of Thankfulness and giving~ a giveaway

This giveaway is closed winner will be announced tonight!
Heather and I love this month. We are so thankful for many things in our lives but as we reflect, we have decided to celebrate the women we are thankful for; the women who have made us who we are today by helping to mold our characters and giving us unconditional love. I can say that of Heather and so many others.
Who are you thankful for? What woman in your life has given to you unconditionally?
To celebrate YOU, all the women we are thankful for, we are giving away wonderful woman-made products! We will have inspiring interviews with the most amazing, encouraging women.
We will begin our giving with 3 special women, and 4 special gifts!
Let the giving begin!
ONE~ The International Princess Project~ PUNJAMMIES™
I was introduced to The International Princess Project via a friend on FaceBook. I was so intrigued and in awe of what they accomplish and how, I wanted to make sure that you met them too!
I will post a interview with the women of International Princess Project this month but here is a little something about them.....
"International Princess Project advocates for women enslaved in prostitution, helping them restore their lives and empowering them to live free.
Through various initiatives, International Princess Project both helps partner organizations increase capacity and provides direct support for women in need."
International Princess™ Project Initiatives
International Princess™ Project currently implements two initiatives working towards the vision of restoring hope and dignity to women formerly enslaved in prostitution. The PUNJAMMIES™ initiative creates a self-sustaining enterprise which provides needed jobs for women and the resources for their healing and restoration. The Advocacy initiative raises awareness in the United States of the problem of prostitution and human trafficking around the world and helps mobilize people to take action.
TWO~Blessed Nest~ Heather ~Nest Egg
I know, I know we are tooting our own horn... but we thought an Aqua Nest Egg would go perfectly with your PUNJAMMIES! Plus, I always look for a moment to brag about Heather! She is one wonderful woman. Heather is the founder of Blessed Nest, the gal who made the Nesting Pillow just for me and the best friend ever! Heather is the most giving, generous person I know. What keeps her going in the "business" is the women we nurture. She loves to nurture you through this business and does it well!
THREE~My Precious Child~Kay~Child Safety
I met Kay on Twitter. She is one mighty Twitter Momma! She has 11,244 followers! WOW
Kay always takes the time to answer my questions or to just say a hello during her busy schedule!
Her business is all about Child Safety. November is child safety month so we thought we would honor this amazing woman-friend!
My Precious Kid Child Safety – Kay Green, founder of MyPreciouskid.com writes about child safety, new babies, safe baby/child products and safety education. Kay is a child safety expert who also teaches parents potty training and baby sign language techniques.
My Precious Kid blog is owned by Kay Green. Kay and her husband Russell reside in Hillsboro Oregon. Kay is Mama to 4 kids (9, 22, 24, 27) and 3 grand children (Madison 2 and newborn TWIN boys, Micah & Mason).
1 amazing woman will receive this entire giveaway package (listed below):
CHAMBAL GARDEN (Multi-Colored Cotton)
Chambal Garden PUNJAMMIES™ are super soft, orange-trimmed, capri pants that capture the life and beauty of the Chambal Gardens. The Chambal Gardens are on the banks of the Chambal River in the Southeastern part of Rajasthan in India. Thousands of lush plants and tropical flowers add to the tranquility of the gardens. Chambal Garden PUNJAMMIES™ capture the beauty and peace of their namesake so well that they may just inspire you to start your own garden. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Blessed Nest Nest Egg ~Aqua $42.00

It's small and lightweight enough to take along take along in the stroller or diaper bag, and just the right size for a toddler pillow.
The slipcover's envelope closure makes it comfortable to use on either side, while still being easy to remove for laundering.
It is made of pre-laundered, 100% organic cotton fabrics from our favorite eco-friendly designer, Harmony Art. The inside pillow is made with 230 thread count 100% organic cotton sateen and filled with organic buckwheat hulls. (16" by 13" and about 1 1/2 lb.)

Child Safety Pack~
1 - Child ID Card
We are excited to say that this giveaway received Editor's Pick at Prizey.net
How to enter:
Giveaway closes December 8th 2009 EST
There are MANY ways to enter and get extra credit but here is the MUST:
1) MUST TO QUALIFY TO WIN ~ In the comments tell us who the most inspirational woman in your life is and why. (it can be a short one sentence (or 2) answer)
(we will collect all the entries at the end of the contest and send them out in our NewsLetter)
*This is not a contest. The winner will be chosen via Random.org but we just want you to reflect on who means the world to you!
2) MUST TO QUALIFY TO WIN ~ Visit AT LEAST one of the web sites listed here and tell us something special about it.
International Princess Project
3) For an extra entry visit all three and tell us in another comment what you love about their site
4) For an extra entry Follow Blessed Nest on Twitter click here to follow
(tell us in a comment)
5) For an extra entry Twitter about this contest and tell us in a comment here
6) For an extra entry Become a Blessed Nest fan on FaceBook tell us in a comment
7) For an extra entry Become a International Princess Project fan on FaceBook tell us in a comment
8) For an extra entry Become a My Precious Kid Fan on FaceBook
Wow I think that's it.... SO, that's a lot of ways to enter!
Have fun.....
Giveaway closes December 8th 2009 EST
Giveaway shipping to USA address only.
Thank you for supporting us! We love you to the moon and back
More giveaways coming so you might want to sign up for our blog posts via e-mail on our side bar!
A great way to earn extra cash this holiday season... join the Blessed Nest affiliate program~