Blessed Nest nurtures moms

so they can nurture their babies with peace of mind

Entries in organic living (20)


Everyday is Earth Day at Happy Bambino

What better way to celebrate Earth Day then to celebrate one of our customers? Happy Bambino just  added our Nesting Pillow to their collection of Eco-friendly products for moms and babies.
Please click over and discover all that this amazing group of women have to offer.
Heather and I are so honored to be working with such wonderful people! We truly love all of our customers to the moon and back.
Thank you for adding us to your family of products safe for mom, baby and the planet.

Everyday is Earth Day at Happy Bambino

Since opening in November of 2004, HB has always been committed to:

( information below from HB wesite)

1. Eco-Boutique. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
Our "Eco-Boutique" - a selection of gently-used baby, children's and maternity wear has recycled many thousands of items (in a very fashionable way)! We recycle baby carriers and cloth diapers too.

2. Provide an Environment Where Community Develops.
We provide a space where over 300 people per week attend our groups and classes. Folks build ties and become support for each other. Friendships develop and community action naturally occurs. Additionally, we offer a scholarship program for classes, memberships, and the Nursing Mamas Resource Station to extend resources to families in our community.

3. Breastfeeding Support.
"Breastfeeding is the perfect paradigm for a sustainable food system. Think about it: the consumer is in control; the food is designed precisely for the needs of the consumer and changes in quantity and quality as those needs change; there is no waste and the packaging is infinitely reusable and aesthetically pleasing; there is a close, not to say intimate, relationship between producer and consumer; and both consumer and producer get pleasure from it." - Brewster Kneen, BC Food Systems

"Oh, and daddy gets to play with the empties," says former HB RC Coordinator and fellow Canadian, Kristina Bouris (wink wink)

Happy Bambino is very proud of the comprehensive breastfeeding support it offers which includes: a variety of nursing bras and other breastfeeding supplies, breastfeeding education, a Breastfeeding Support Group, a breastfeeding clinic - the Nursing Mamas Resource Station, and a cozy supportive atmosphere to be a nursing mom.

4. Sell "Green" Products:
We are committed to selling products without harmful chemicals. We are concerned with the health and well-being of your family. We carefully research the products we carry and have never knowingly stocked items containing lead, Bisphenol-A, PVC, or phthalates.

**Organics** We carry a fun selection of organic clothing, toys, slings, nursing pads and hemp diapers from Ellaroo, Under the Nile, and Willow Sprouts.

**Fair Trade Items** We carry a variety of fair trade items from Artisan Cards, Bali & Soul creations, Maya Wrap. Be sure to try one of our fair trade knit finger puppets!

**Locally-Made Products and Products Made in the US** Products that don't have to travel far are much more sustainable. As an added bonus, items made in the US are not made in sweatshops.

Last year over 5% of our retail sales came from locally-made goods! In December we host an annual Crafty Mama Craft Fair where local mamas sell their handcrafted wares.

**Natural Bath & Body Products** Environmentally friendly (not to mention human-friendly) bath & body products from LuSa Organics, Weleda, and California Baby. Did we mention they smell delicious?!!

5. Sell "Basic" Toys.
A toy should do more than entertain a child. A toy should spark the creativity within a child. A healthy imagination is all that’s needed to get these toys to do anything a child can dream of. No plastic needed. No batteries required.– Tom Wanek

6. Provide the Materials and Education to Support Cloth Diaper Use.
Did you know? In our first 3.5 years in business, over 600 families have attended our Cloth Diaper 101 class.

7. Keep Packaging to a Minimum.
We actively recycle baby shower bags, offer paper bags at the register, and are cognizant of excess consumer packaging in the products we sell.

8. Support the Buy Local Movement.
Happy Bambino is a proud member of Dane Buy Local and we encourage our customers to buy locally. Buying local keeps money in our community. It is a fantastic way to support the local economy and build neighborhoods! As part of this effort, we have arranged for HB members to get special discounts with cooperating local businesses.

9. Green Design.
We work hard to maintain a green retail and resource environment for our customers and staff. We use compact fluorescent bulbs for a majority of our lighting. Our floors are made of natural cork. All the paint used within our space was very low VOC (volatile organic compounds). We use ceiling fans in the resource center. We use power strips to reduce phantom load electricity. Natural light from our windows reduces our need for additional in-store lighting. We use vinegar as our primary cleaning solution.

10. Send Happy Bambino Newsletters and Promotional Materials Electronically. Our e-newsletter reaches 1200 households, saving 350 reams of paper annually. When we do print, we are committed to using recycled paper.

Meet Happy Bambino....



Shop on-line at Happy Bambino
or at their Madison , WI store

Have a wonderful Earth Day, everyday!

Heather and Donna


Dr. Bill Sears on why organic is important for your baby

Yobaby ( Stonyfield Farm) has partnered with Dr. Sears. We have the privilege of passing on important information from Stonyfield Farms and  Dr. Bill Sears  about your baby, health and organic products.

FYI: This is not a sponsored post. We just think Stonyfiled farms and Dr. Bill Sears are super cool. We love passing on great news! Yo BabyDr. Bill Sears on why organic is important for your baby

(from his book “The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood”)

It's a logical assumption: if you want your kids healthy, you feed them healthy food. And today, more and more parents are choosing healthy by choosing organic.

Are your kids worth organic? Of course!

Pollutants in the air and water and in food all have the potential to harm your child’s health. So while you’re keeping them safe from environmental toxins, give them organic food that’s free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

What is organic? Organic refers to the way meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables are grown and processed. At its core, it relies on a healthy rich soil to produce strong plants that resist pests and diseases. Organic farming prohibits the use of toxic and persistent chemicals in favor of more "earth-friendly" practices that work in harmony with nature. In the case of livestock, antibiotics are prohibited, opting instead for preventative measures for keeping animals healthy and productive. Organic production also prohibits the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Are organic foods really that much healthier? I believe they’re the best choice for kids.


        Growing bodies are more vulnerable to the carcinogenic risks of pesticides. Young bodies store more toxins – pesticides are stored in fat and infants and toddlers have proportionately more body fat than adults

        Adult food “safety limits” may not be safe for children – Kids don’t eat or metabolize pesticides like little adults, and the amount of food they eat is greater in proportion to their body weight than the same food eaten by an adult.

        Safer foods are healthier foods – Some studies have shown  organic foods are higher in antioxidants.

"One of the best things a parent can do nutritionally for their children is to introduce them to organic food," says Dr. Sears. "Stonyfield Farm organic yogurt has been a staple in our house for all eight of our kids – I like knowing that it has a high level of active cultures. As a pediatrician, I recommend organic yogurt to my patients for a variety of nutritional needs."   read more about Dr. Sears

Thank you Dr. Sears for such valuable information. We have a fun surprise coming your way soon. Sierra (Heather’s sister and our resident pregnant, nursing mom) had the opportunity to ask Dr. Sears some specific questions on organic foods and overall health for our children.

Interview with Dr. Sears coming soon with a giveaway too!


Love, to the moon and back

 Heather and Donna



It’s Greek to me… (review & giveaway)  OVER

Giveaway Closed- I will post the winners by March 13th

A few weeks ago, Donna asked me to do a review for the Perch, and being the good friend that I am, I agreed. Twist my arm. Eat my most favorite food on the planet, made by a company I adore, and then share my adoration with the world… no problem! But I’ve had trouble writing this post, seriously. I get emotional, I swoon, I want to go on and on and on. So forgive me in advance…

First, I can’t say enough about my love of Stonyfield Farms, their dedication to people and planet, their perseverance & commitment to their inspiring business model (really, when I feel like Blessed Nest is a pipe dream that won’t survive the obstacles that keep coming at us, I read their story and I am moved to tears). Add to that their unbelievably delicious, affordable organic products and it defies reason. Am I gushing? I can’t help it… in times like these (or any times, really) doesn’t it feel better to spend your money on quality products made by exceptional people (and happy cows!)? I think so!

But I digress. This is a public service announcement, after all, and I have a job to do. There may actually be a few people out there who have not tried (perish the thought) Oikos Greek Yogurt, and have no idea why their lives seem so empty. Is that you? Well, sister, hold on to your hat… your life is about to change.

Imagine a world where brownies make you skinny, chubby legs are darling well into adulthood and 40 really is the new 30. This mystical place must be named Greece, because sitting on your supermarket shelf right now is the most divine substance called Greek Yogurt. It is rich and creamy (like cheesecake) and so tart and tangy it’s almost sassy. It has twice the protein of regular yogurt (and fewer carbs), and (you’d better be holding on, don’t say I didn’t warn you!) it has NO FAT and 90 tiny little calories per 5.3oz serving! And the thing is, that’s not one of those “fun sized” servings that leaves you feeling cheated. It’s hearty, delicious and totally satisfying… add some fruit and a little honey and you’ll feel like you’re breaking the law. (they even make it easy by adding natural flavors like vanilla, honey and blueberry… geniuses.) Did you forget that it’s made by Stonyfield Farms, so it’s also organic and comes from family diary farms? Really, I would not lie to you about something like that.

And get this: swap it for cream cheese, milk, sour cream, even buttermilk in your favorite recipe and you’ll have the neighbors calling you a liar at your next block party, when you show up with the fat free dip. Need that birthday cake to be gluten free? No need to deprive anyone of the joy of frosting, just whip some Oikos up with a little honey and you’ll have Martha calling you for your recipe. (think carrot cake… mmmm) In fact, forget the cake. All you need is a spoon. (more attention-getting recipes here)

Greece must be magical. Maybe I can celebrate my <eh-hem> 3oth birthday there & show off my adorable chubby legs!

(be warned, you will be subjected to more of my gushing about Stonyfield in the near future… you love it, I know you do)

Love, To the moon and back


Enter to win Stonyfield Yogurt and a Blessed Nest Organic Nest Egg Take-a-long pillow

the perfect Organic combo for baby and me

(1) winner for the Grand prize:value approx. $82.00
3 Free Yobaby coupons: about $4 each ($12)
2 Free 5.3 oz Oikos coupons: about $2 ($4)
2 Free Stonyfield 6 oz. cups: about $1 ($2)
1 Stonyfield coupon book: $5

1 YoBaby organic cotton bib ( Who loves YoBaby ) approx: $8

1 Organic Nest Egg -Take-a-long Pillow (Aqua or Pink Willow)$42.00 from

Blessed NestAqua Organic Nest Egg

(2) runner ups will win the following :Total Value $12

1 Free yobaby: $4
1 Free 5.3 oz. Oikos: $2
1 Free Stonyfield 6 oz.: $1

1 Stonyfield coupon book: $5


Here's how to enter:

1) Visit Stonyfield Farms web site and comment here telling us something you LOVE about their company. This will be easy.

2) for a SECOND entry Twitter about this giveaway and leave another comment with the link.

3) Blog about this giveaway and leave another comment with the direct link


That's it. Enjoy! The giveaway closes March 11th 12:00pm EST

We will choose the one grand prize winner and 2 runner ups by using







In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto

Todays post written by Jill at Home Grown Life

I pretty much spent the entire Fall reading (and yes, again re-reading) Michael Pollan’s book, In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto. In this book, Pollan attempts to answer some of the questions raised in his book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma and focuses on defining what real food is, how we can find it, the need to defend it and the case for such an argument.

I found myself nodding yes, yes in agreement with nearly every line in this book and particularly love the fact that Pollan keeps it simple with guidelines like, if your grandparents wouldn’t recognize it as food, then it probably isn’t and his cover-page sub-title of Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.

This book was very freeing for me as a nutrition educator and allowed me to follow my gut instincts what it comes to nutrition advice. It’s not about counting calories, breaking food down into it’s component parts or even a food guide pyramid. It’s about eating real foods that nourish the body, mind and soul, eating them with full awareness and enjoyment (while sitting at the table, yes, the actual table, not the car, sofa or office chair!), about bringing the lost art of preparing and cooking foods back into the civilized world, about actually putting some time, energy, money and planning into choosing our family’s meals and keeping the hope and knowing that there is more to food that what our grocery stores center aisles tell us there is to eat.

For some, simply choosing to eat food instead of food-like substances (as Pollan refers to most of our modern foods as) will pose a huge lifestyle change. Many have grown used to eating, and thus have trained their taste buds and their stomachs to expect, all that processed foods have to offer. Some may have even become addicted to things like soda, cookies, chips, fast food meals, 100 calories snacks and easy frozen dinners devoid of nutrients.

I think that it is important to return to our roots and begin eating with dignity and purpose as we choose foods that will not only fill our bellies, but will bring joy back to the dinner table, strengthen our bodies and minds and sustain our health as humans and that of the planet.

Some practical tips for feeding our families food:

Choose foods from the perimeter of the grocery store, which is usually where the produce, meats, dairy and bakery items are. Notice what those center aisles are filled with.. is it food?

Get connected with your local farmer’s markets. It is so simple today to support local farmers and bypass the grocery store as we take matters into our own hands and buy local produce, dairy, meats and even bakes goods. One of my most favorite times is taking my children with me on Saturday mornings to the farmer’s market!

Let your children get involved in the process of choosing and preparing the foods your family eats. It is a fact that the more children are invested in the food process, the more likely they are to not only try eating a new food, but actually enjoy the experience!

Plant a garden with your family and allow even small children to have their own “plot” of land. They will be eager each day to tend their plot and eventually harvest and eat the foods they have worked so diligently to grow!

Make it a family pact to avoid fast foods. I have a friend who when asked about fast food restaurants by her children told that that it was “strictly for emergencies”!

Related Post:

Food In the New Year



ECHOage ~ One Gift~ One Cause

I met the gals from over at Twitter Moms....I love their concept, their business, and their love for a greener world.


Make your child's next birthday party more meaningful.


Here's what they have to say:

We are two moms who believe that a birthday party is an opportunity for children to CELEBRATE GIVING. Out of pure need and a desire for something different we created Children invite their friends online. Friends RSVP and contribute between $10.00 and $40.00. ECHOage pools the money and divides it in half. Half goes to buy ONE meaning GIFT for the birthday child. The other half goes to a charity of the child's choice. We provide thank you notes, awards and a convenient, easy solution for moms. Check it out:

An ECHOage birthday party is a unique opportunity for you and your child to do something extraordinary - to improve the world - together.

Here's how:Guests are invited to an ECHOage birthday party online. Instead of bringing a wrapped and packaged present, guests simply rsvp and give a secure online gift of money. Payments are pooled for the purchase of ONE special gift and to support ONE meaningful cause.

ECHOage will arrange everything,so no need to drive, shop, wrap or even pick up the phone to make a donation.



~One Gift~ One Cause ~ Our Belief System~


Visit ECHOage today











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