Blessed Nest nurtures moms

so they can nurture their babies with peace of mind

Entries in Blessed Nest (39)


Recovering~ Blessed Nest Weekend round up

Wow, I'm tired. Do you ever feel that way? HA HA. If you are a mom of young children, you feel that way. If you are busy and living life you feel that way every now and again and if you have two young children and have packed and moved your life to a much smaller living space; you feel that way. That's me. All of the above is me. Blogging was at a minimum this past week but we have some exciting things coming your way in the near future! My husband and I are determined to get and live debt free. We have some amazing mentors in our life who lead debt free lives and have an abundance. They are simply wise and creative! Kara- Noel from Eli's Lids is someone I look to for wisdom in the area of financing! She will be writing a post for us regarding  credit and why you CAN live without it!


Weekend round up~ our busy week.

Sierra, Heather's wonderful sister gave birth to baby William! Congratulations Si! Pictures coming soon.

Donna moved...enough said about that

Donna and Heather BFFHeather continues to make everything happen and get you your Nesting Pillows despite the challenges we face as a growing small business determined to stay debt free. Call us crazy...go ahead you can.


Flash from the past~

Donna shares her personal story celebrating World Breastfeeding week

Happy Day~ The launch of our New Blessed Nest Web Site

Greening Up the Neighborhood~ My girls clean up the park

AND Don't forget.....

 Blessed Nest is teaming with The Riley Project for the Month of August:

Purchase a "Riley's Raindrop" in support of The Riley Project here

$39.00 regular price $42.00

 Love, to the moon and back



A home for our Nest

We are so excited to announce our permanent home for Blessed Nest! We have been looking and waiting for the perfect studio and home office for Heather and Blessed Nest production! Last year we came close to purchasing a old bank building right off route 66. All though this sounds glamorous, the building needed a lot of work! In the end, we are glad it didn't work out. We've always had the vision of working with stay at home moms, Grandmas and Aunties. We will be hiring a few new seamstresses who can work from home and sew! We don't see the need to spend money on a large production facility. We would rather hire women who have the freedom to work from home and be with their children.

Now that I've given you a bit of background of our journey; would you like to know where we landed? Lawrence,Kansas is the new home for Blessed Nest! Heather LOVES it. Can you believe she even sees a little bit of Brooklyn in this little city!

Heather and her puppy, Murphey go for a walk every night...Heather has been in awe of what she has seen....a baby wearing bluegrass band! That's right. Heather had the privilege of speaking with this sweet group!

Baby wearing & bluegrass at the farmer's market... KS might be heaven

Meet The Prairie Acre....

Walking home from the library, Heather passed the most spectacular community garden she had ever seen!












And another night in the park, walking distance from the Blessed Nest studio! Well worth the wait. We now have the perfect Nesting spot!

Don't forget to enter our giveaway for  Baby Bootie and Blessed Nest!

Love you to the moon and back






I just love this. Wonderful reminder of why it's a great idea to buy handmade. Click here to read the 101 great reasons to buy handmade.


We got mail...we love hearing from you and enjoy all the love notes that we receive in our Blessed Nest mail box! Here is a recent note~

Hi Donna,

Although I haven't yet used the Nesting Pillow, I just wanted to email to let you know that I love it! My baby should arrive any day now and i'm looking forward to using it for nursing (I imagine it will also come in handy at other times as well).

The lip balm is my new favorite flavor too! Thank you so much for the nest egg as well - it was an unexpected and delightful surprise!

I love finding women-owned companies to support that make well crafted products right here in the US with eco-friendly materials. I'm very impressed with every detail (including the heart and moon cutouts on the tags for the diaper pins) I am delighted with Blessed Nest!


We are delighted with you too and all of our wonderful, sweet customers we call friends!


Love To the moon and back


SALE Perch Store ONLY~Limited


Free Summer Gift & Giveaway~Blessed Nest 

FREE Nest Egg with purchase of our organic Nesting Pillow~
June 5-8, 2009
Nest Egg to the moon and back
Purchase a Nesting Pillow this weekend and receive a Nest Egg (our take-along pillow) FREE.
A $42.00 value!

"The little extra something you need to use with your Nesting Pillow or on its own, The Nest Egg gives support for your head, arm, breast, or for a little extra height under baby's head. It's small and lightweight enough to take along for support and comfort on the go!"

The inside pillow is made with 230 thread count 100% organic cotton sateen and filled with organic buckwheat hulls (16" by 13" and about 1 1/2 lb.)

Nest Egg
(a value)
when you purchase a
Nesting Pillow for $87.00

Shop Blessed
purchase a Nesting pillow at regular price $87.00
and get a Nest Egg FREE

Just tell us in the comment section when you place your order which fabric you'd like.

*additional shipping charges will only apply if the Nest Egg is going to a different address as the Nesting Pillow

offer good now until midnight 6/9/09


sig heather and Donna


YoBaby Yogurt is everything you want & nothing youdon't

yobaby logo
If you've read our blog for any amount of time you'll know that we don't just talk about our nest. Our mission and the filter that we run all of our products through; is "does it nurture"? We love to talk about other companies who have similar mission statements! Stonyfield Farms is not only on a mission to nurture; we think they are leaders in the organic market!

READ MORE and enter giveaway

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the flexible, adjustable, wonderful Nesting Pillow

The Nesting Pillow is wonderful for every size mom or baby; even for a tiny baby!

The method below for adjusting the Nesting Pillow was suggested to us by one of the NICU nurses at the Phoenix Children's Hospital, who uses the Nesting Pillow with preemies.



Click to enlarge and read instructions